PA Beta - First Play Through

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by mwe, September 28, 2013.

  1. mwe

    mwe New Member

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    Fun stuff!

    I'm kind of hoping for a few things:
    -Trajectory Mapping (of planets, satellites, interstellar craft that go between planets, etc). Gravitational forces between celestial bodies.
    >Orbital trajectory and a bit more realism with that (Polar orbits, Geosynchronous orbits, or Molniya Orbits just to make the process of having satellite radar be a bit more practical than this elevated unit that moves extremely slowly)​
    -"Cancel" button on load menus...
    -Custom screen resolutions.
    -Custom end of game criteria and goals (tied with that, achievements. "Centennial Celestial Destroyer - Annihilated 100 players using planets", or something)
    -Automatic system maker (custom games and custom planetary system configurator)

    Is quite fun. Found that as long as I have every unit and factory doing something and building something you'll have a plethora of units to kill others with. I can see I'll spend many an hour playing this game and heavily customizing my keyboard. Thanks for the great work!

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