PA Alpha Bugs, a first look

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by gizmovision, July 15, 2013.

  1. gizmovision

    gizmovision New Member

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    PA Alpha Bugs (this is the PC version as I have yet to install and try the Mac version.)

    Can not copy/paste Password into log in screen/dialog box/launcher. Very long and complex Passwords are needed now a days. If not 2-way verification.

    Need to be able to find construct robots that are not doing things
    Screen UI to show idle bots.

    Need to be able to find your commander, mine did wander off. ( the space bar was a good way to find commander/construct bots in other TA/PA style games. Maybe Shift + Space to find the commander and Space to cycle through commander and bots.

    Need to be able to select and save groups of bots (control + number to set? number to select the group. )

    The patrol and repair/patrol commands are a little clunky. The UI isn't as easy as it should be.( in relation to past implementations) The Patrol command on construction bots needs to have an option to reclaim also.

    Resources that are at a particular spot don't show depletion, if applicable.
    Hulks of lost bots/vehicles don't show how much metal resources will be acquired.

    this was written a some time back, I just thought I'd finally post it and contribute something besides my cash to this project. I know the copy paste doesn't work in the current launcher build as I had to had type a long password. I didn't see single player any more just player vs player. Not my very favorite way to learn to play a game or find bugs by running from better player then me...

    Thanx guys keep at it!
  2. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    May I direct your attention here: viewtopic.php?f=71&t=46855

    There you'll find everything you need to submit bugs that you come across!

    Skimming through your list, I believe they are all on the tracker already! (Need to speed it up a bit, fella ;))
  3. zaphodx

    zaphodx Post Master General

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    Alpha is Alpha. Nothing is close to implemented yet.

    Password doesn't allow copy-paste. When they do password encryption it will remember your password.

    For fabbers press f to find next idle one.

    Press c to select commander.

    CTRL+ # works to make groups.

    Also try this:

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