Have a look at the nuke & anti nuke launchers: /pa/units/land/nuke_launcher/nuke_launcher.json /pa/units/land/anti_nuke_launcher/anti_nuke_launcher.json Note the factory section, specifically the first two attributes: Code: "factory": { "default_build_stance": "Continuous", "initial_build_spec": "/pa/units/land/nuke_launcher/nuke_launcher_ammo.json", "spawn_points": [ "bone_missile01" ], "store_units": true }, I wonder if initial_build_spec will accept an array instead of a single value? Worth trying.
was trying to translate that to the bot_factory - yet it seems to me this info is actually only for the gui to show correct until the next synchronation until we get to make a local server or permission to upload jssons... also the server rejects unit copies another way ive been looking into is using the gui - so it looks like the user is giving all those commands - but then there comes the .papa barrier
well at least i understood why the AI is behaving so badly when u have planes around: base_threatened is true and he stops expansion