Overtime every match

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by rUprofessional24, January 4, 2011.

  1. rUprofessional24

    rUprofessional24 New Member

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    I don't know if it's specific to certain servers, but every single match ends in overtime. I assume the point of overtime (like with OT in every sport) is to settle a tie in score, but even when one money ball has more damage than the other when the time is up, it goes into overtime. My problem with this is that it makes the first 20 minutes of the match almost completely irrelevant because all it takes is one or two juiced people to win it in 20 seconds in overtime. I've had several games where my team gets dominated and our money ball is at half health, but overtime hits and I buy juice and boom there goes their money ball. This is especially easy with assassin, almost unstoppable unless you dedicate an assault to camping the ball. I like overtime for resolving tied matches but it ruins the metagame if it occurs every match no matter what.
  2. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    Teams with coordination will end games way faster than overtime will.
  3. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Polynomial, how do you do it? How do you say so much with so little words?
  4. rUprofessional24

    rUprofessional24 New Member

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    Yeah, that doesn't logically contradict anything I said at all. If a team gets the moneyball to 25% in standard time, the match shouldn't go into overtime, it should end. The team with good coordination should be rewarded for getting it to 25% instead of leaving the opportunity for a juiced assassin to undo everything.
  5. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    I actually just keep repeating myself. Literally. The 360 section went through the same stuff the PC version is.


    ShadowStorm did convince me against my initial opinion.
  6. rUprofessional24

    rUprofessional24 New Member

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    Okay, I checked the post and it looked like the broad consensus agreed with my point. I couldn't find the poster that you said changed your mind though.

    I think OT is a brilliant way of resolving equal health moneyballs by the end of the 15 minutes. I just do not think it is appropriate to have it at the end of every single match where the moneyballs are damaged. It might be fine in coordinated team vs coordinated team matches, but it ruins the random-team-pubs that are the only thing that exist currently. Unfortunately, that post was from August and has not changed, so it looks like debate on this topic will not yield results anyway.
  7. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    See the key to regulation play is to fully destroy the enemy teams Moneyball. If after 15 minutes neither team's Moneyball is destroyed it goes into Overtime which is a mad dash to the finish line. Typically if you put more damage into the enemy team's Moneyball during regulation play you should win in Overtime. Winning in OT is all about being prepared.

    Sure one Pro can wreck havoc in OT and since that's the case don't you think it would be much wiser to keep a certain few classes on defense? Instead of letting the enemy team have free reign and hoping the turrets will handle it why not give the enemy Pros some kind of distraction while you have Pros of your own damaging their Moneyball? I mean it's only "common sense."
  8. rUprofessional24

    rUprofessional24 New Member

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    Certainly I would keep a Pro or two back in an organized game (especially ones with a good grapple). I would also make sure to have control over the middle of the map if the juice is there and I would put a couple pros, assassin or whoever has juice in the position of attackers. Unfortunately, that requires an organized team. It's hard enough to be organized with random people online without a random team shuffle after every game. Maybe in a comp game, or an in-house match OT works very well and adds an interesting dynamic, but with the disorganization of random online play and team shuffle it too often turns into who has the player smart enough to exploit the otherwise balanced system. Your points do make sense though, and I somewhat agree with them. Maybe the problem will work itself out as players get more experience and understand the OT aspect of the meta-game; unfortunately, since the game hasn't even officially released yet that may take a while longer. Also, removing auto-team shuffle could help a bit -__-. Still waiting for that one...
  9. Tomas

    Tomas New Member

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    I have yet to play with or against a fully coordinated team in the PC version. Regardless of which class I play I'm usually the only one using the annihilator, and it's not uncommon that if I don't have enough cash for it, I can run around farming for it and it's still unused by the time I return. My friend who usually plays assa maxed her annihilator protag before level 60, just because it's so uncontested.

    My groove in matches so far is usually to use annihilator, push to take down a turret or two, farm/defend while waiting for annihilator, repeat.
    What's keeping me from getting anything more done is that nobody ever follows me in when making the annihilator pushes. I'm not at all saying I'm good at the game (my KDR is pretty terrible), just that most people are still fixated on playing deathmatch and tend to forget about the objective overall. Whether this is the game's fault or players' fault is up for debate I guess.
  10. Mavajo

    Mavajo New Member

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    Did someone seriously use the "coordinated team" angle in this thread? Seriously? The game randomly matches you with whatever scrubs happen to be on the server.

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