This would either be enabled through a custom server, or as an sub game mode selection when making the server. The idea behind this: When Overtime strikes, what happens that causes either team to win or lose? Well, the assassin or tank gets juiced, lays waste to the automatically upgraded lvl 3 turrets, and dishes out a HUGE amount of damage to the moneyball, and the game ends what seems to be mere second after overtime starts. Reason why: It's too hard to defend AND attack, so it falls down to who can attack better. And juice makes you practically double as effective as long as it lasts, wasting pros and turrets alike in single attacks. Alternative ruleset suggestions: - On OT start, disable bot spawners (optional: But not pro spawned bots). - On OT start, disable all juice vendors (optional setting) - Don't grant everyone half a juice bar on spawn (optional, and even then not neccessarily none) - Don't automatically upgrade all turrets to Lvl 3, but perhaps reduce their cost by a quarter or so. - (Possibly) reduce turret armor by a percentile factor (so weak ones like Lazer Blazer are hardly affected, but rocket turrets are softer) - Extend OT default timer to say, 5 minutes. Now let's see what might happen: - Without bots, juice farming from jackbots (which is a tad bit easy to say the least) is no longer a concern. - Without bots, the only damage to a moneyball is done by pros. - Without bots, cash gain is solely from pro and turret kills. - Without cash gain, money should be drained rapidly in turret building and (if enabled) juice buying. - Once cash is low for everyone, it comes down purely to a matter of teamwork, co-ordination and the ability to split your team into an effective attack team and defence team. - Without juice (either from no cash to buy, or no juice vendors) all the time, defence is a much more viable option for classes that don't do as well attacking (snipers, support etc.) and good assassins don't automatically win due to Overtime constant moneyball vulnerability, allowing non-highlander (1 of everything) teams to work. Win/Lose result: Still likely determined by moneyball health, but at least it won't be as silly as it is now where certain classes suddenly gain huge advantages and one juiced tank and assassin practically gurantee a win, allowing every class to remain just as valid in Overtime as it did during the match. The main difference between OT and a match then, is you don't need to escort bots anymore, which puts more emphasis on teamwork than a crapshoot.
there definitely needs to be a change to how OT is handled. everyone juicing and playing kamikaze is rather anti climactic.