Overheal health for other players class icons in UI?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Wishlist' started by StarPilot87, December 31, 2010.

  1. StarPilot87

    StarPilot87 New Member

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    Just like how the general health of allies and enemies appears as a red/yellow/green class icon next to their name, why not add an overheal to it? Just like when a player is critically wounded their icon goes from red and fades to black, what about having overhealed players have their icon go from green and fade to white? I would think it would help players recognize how much overheal a player has at a glance instead of having to shoot/heal them to see how much overheal they're at.

    Perhaps the same can be done for the status of base turrets as well. Their lights show a rough idea of their health, with green being good, yellow damaged, and red near destruction. Having the lights fade to white might help show how significant of an overheal turrets may have.
  2. Private RyanO89

    Private RyanO89 New Member

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    I like the idea.

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