Over all thoughts for future game

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by tanner560, July 1, 2013.

  1. tanner560

    tanner560 New Member

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    This is just my opinion on what I would like to see in the future game

    •The ability to drag structure like in SC2 to make building construction easier and quicker.
    •I know that this isn't being looked at for an option for the game, but a shield system would be nice to have in the game because of artillery and the catapult structures already in the game that tend to harass players and make it difficult to build.
    •The ability to upgrade your commander to build more structures like the level 2 construction units have.
    •The ability to change build orders with out stop all construction of that unit to just change one structure.
    •Advanced air defense would be nice to have.
    •idk if they will have this in the game, but the ability to shoot asteroids coming at your base and stop them from destroying your base.
    •Walls should not just be one block of metal, but they should connect to each other.

    Other then that I think this game is great. I can't wait untill AI do something and the ability to travel to different planets. Thanks for the great game!
  2. mushroomars

    mushroomars Well-Known Member

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    1 - Drag-to-build will probably be implemented due to popular demand
    2 - Shields will most likely end up being in the first few unit packs/balance mods, but Uber has expressed distaste towards them.
    3 - Upgradeable Commanders will not be implemented, though a mod (possibly PA's equivalent of Blackops) will do this at some point
    4 - To be expected, SupCom and TA did this
    5 - T2 AA confirmed by Uber
    6 - Unknown, but will most likely not be implemented. Asteroids are generally considered endgame superweapons.
    7 - A possibility? Neither SupCom or TA did this, primarily because spaced out walls had the same effect as side-by-side walls.
  3. technoxan

    technoxan New Member

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    I think FA had the connected walls, although FA walls didn't do much :)
  4. mushroomars

    mushroomars Well-Known Member

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    FA's walls looked like they were connected, sortakindamaybe. The same way two boxes put next to one another are "connected"

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