OS X - Gatekeeper Blocks PA unless Uber is an Identified Dev

Discussion in 'Support!' started by neilmcg, July 2, 2013.

  1. neilmcg

    neilmcg New Member

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    I am running OS X 10.8.4 and noticed that PA won't launch because of OS X's Gatekeeper feature to block applications unless they signed from an "Identified Developer" registered with Apple.

    As a workaround, you can go to System Preferences > Security & Privacy > General (tab) and make sure to set "Allow applications downloaded from:" to "Anywhere".

    In the future, this could be remedied by making sure Uber is an "identified developer" with Apple, and digitally signing the PA application. More information here:
    http://support.apple.com/kb/HT5290?view ... cale=en_US
  2. mushroomars

    mushroomars Well-Known Member

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    Re: OS X - Gatekeeper Blocks PA unless Uber is an Identified

    <insert comment about Apple proprietary bullshit and things>
  3. Sherrif

    Sherrif Member

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    Re: OS X - Gatekeeper Blocks PA unless Uber is an Identified

    So... The options are:

    Have Uber staff get to be an identified apple Dev, which has a cost associated it as well as the cost of time and effort spent on getting it. On top of all of that, technically there's restrictions on what the application can do and it'd be hell for Uber to have to submit each apple version or whatever they'd have to do in order for it to be able to be distributed for Apple OS.


    You go into your settings and for no cost to you or the developers we have given you the ability to play the game on your proprietary system. (One does not simply "inb4" me, mushroomars) Don't get me wrong, I have an apple system, but I use it for what it was made for. Commercial video editing or in my case, rendering/audio/formatting.

    I vote for option 2, as it will help us get to the moon much faster.
  4. byte01

    byte01 Member

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    Re: OS X - Gatekeeper Blocks PA unless Uber is an Identified

    Or you could follow the recommended Way instead: right click and choose open, on the follow up dialog choose again open. From this point on you can start the app like normal until you update again.

    I don't mind some good criticism, but at least educate yourself before going all out, it just makes you look stupid.

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