Orbitals mechanics

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by leewang, August 25, 2012.

  1. leewang

    leewang New Member

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    I hope orbital combat wont only be lasers firing from space, albeit cool that would make it kind of like a special artillery piece like the Novak was in SC:FA. Instead it should interface with the existing theatres of war in a novel way.

    Something I found on kickstarter that seems like a good idea:

    "(...) on gas planets being able to build platforms that orbit the planet within the atmosphere which you can build land structures on. These platforms could have some sort of power source (which, if depleted or destroyed) could cause the platforms to plummet and destroy all the structures). Important structures for gas planets could require these platforms to be built on which will create a new level of strategy(...)" credits to Shawn Dolen.

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