Maybe it's just me, but it seems sometimes I'll build several of something and then it's nowhere to be seen. Partly I think it's because you have to kind of angle the planet around to make the orbital unit stand out from the ground/air units. A few things that are probably slated but will be a must are: a) A little row of toggle buttons somewhere that allow you to turn on/off the naval, ground, air, and orbital layers. Left click would turn them on/off, right click would toggle showing *only* that layer b) It isn't very obvious what your astraeus is carrying without various camera gymnastics; would be good to show what it's carrying somewhere alongside its icon c) orbital units seem to just sit on top of one another when launched, so you don't know if you have one or 10 of the unit type. Cheers
Try to set orbital shell and ground units or whatever it's called to range dependent. This should give you a much better overview.
I've noticed that orbital units have a tendency to stack from the launcher. I have to select all of them and unselect the ones I don't want.
If you're having problems with units stacking after launching you could do what I do and set them to area patrol straight from the launcher. It's extremely useful if you're just building orbital fighters to defend an area too.