orbital transports

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by ravener96, April 16, 2013.

  1. ravener96

    ravener96 Member

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    this is both a way to move units in between planets but possibly also energy and minerals if that becomes planet specific.
    have two or three different sizes of tramsport and make it be able to carry a certain amount of mass, the more mass the less range.
    if resources are going to be planet specific we could just pack up mass and energy in crates and bateries and bring them to kickstart a colony.

    i really like the idea of the really expensive but quickly deployable inerplanetary army, just drop pod them in. the real expense with these interplanetary armies are the cost of lanching them into space (if units deployed in space stays a NO NO they can be packed in their drop pods so they are essentially crates in space.).
    Last edited: April 16, 2013
  2. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    Confirmed Features List 2.0
    If you check the Confirmed Features List 2.0 you'd know that there just isn't any solid information out there yet on transports. We can speculate that the T2 Gantry is an Orbital Transport for your commander at least. But so far there has been no other information.

    The Unit Cannon exists, but its limitations have not been fully disclosed (like whether it needs a low-gravity planetoid to effectively be "Interplanetary Unit Insertion"


    In short, we don't know anything about Interplanetary transportation yet, bar the Commander and the T2 Orbital Gantry
  3. ravener96

    ravener96 Member

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    this means that this is the best time to come with suggestions, when things arent set in stone or even garanteed yet. we can probbably expect some small inerplanetary transport thrugh the landers and such, however i think more of a ship that cant go thrugh reentry and is more a "space freighter". as i understand it when it comes to resources there is some uncertanty of it being planet specific or universal (i might be wrong here). just juggeling ideas, please tell me if the larger transports or resource distribution (right word?) is definitly not going to be the way i suggest.

    btw, dat reaction time :) .
    sorry for poor english, read creatively if unclear.
  4. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    We don't know how difficult Jon want's to make Planetfall.
    And then there's Teleporters to consider. We still know next to nothing, and that makes every suggestion just a tiny drop into the deep, dark sea of ignorance we all have regarding this game.
  5. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    Also worth reading is some of the older threads about potential ideas for Interplanetary Transportation;

    But yeah, so far Uber hasn't talked about it at all, probably because the exact implementation is to be decided via testing.


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