Orbital Layer, GameEnder and Energy

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by colonyan, March 10, 2015.

  1. colonyan

    colonyan New Member

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    I suggest Plasma Torpedo Launcher Satellite. (or P.T.)
    Mid - End stage unit that will work like BigBertha in TA.
    In other word, large battle ignite-r. But not definitive game ender.
    But also could be one if invested enough and operated efficiently.

    We need something that can shoot everywhere from anywhere that does pretty good damage
    and can take out expensive/important structures like t2 pgen, t2 factory, anti-nuke, umbrella, anchor
    and P.T. it self and etc with great accuracy, but can not shoot that often and requires
    significant amount of energy to operate in any meaningful fashion.
    Not counter-able unless destroying the launcher itself.
    Also not suited to shoot mobile unit.
    Each shot is energy wise expensive. Targeting requires careful choice.

    - Rather high metal cost (~3.5k) to build and high energy cost (2M per shot and 20 sec(1ook/sec))to operate.
    - High hp to sustain damage from other torpedo launcher. At least few shots.
    - It is shot from orbital structure and can target both Orbital Layer and Planet Surface.
    - Damage: 33% commander health worth.
    - Area of Effect: Small. T1 Bomber equivalent.
    - Requires LARGE(or game balance wise sufficient: 2M Energy per shot example) amount of energy.
    - TECH: Orbital Fabber can build launcher satellite.
    - Imagery: Imagine a self propelling, fast and guided sharp looking light ball.

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