Orbital launch platform crash

Discussion in 'Support!' started by wafflemannom, October 7, 2013.


When should this be fixed?

  1. Next update

  2. Next week

    0 vote(s)
  3. 2-4 weeks

    0 vote(s)
  4. Game release

    0 vote(s)
  5. Never

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  1. wafflemannom

    wafflemannom New Member

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    So, I was recently playing PA and when i'm building an Astraeus, i'm -66 Mps. So due to my instincts I stop the process of building the unit and that is when PA froze and a second later a message appears and says that I have lost the connection to the server and put me back in the main menu. To me I was both frustrated and confused because i had just gotten my Wi-Fi working yesterday and I was also playing with AI (4 of them). I hope Uber can fix/patch this issue because I was really looking forward to smashing a planet together.
  2. garat

    garat Cat Herder Uber Alumni

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    Moving the thread to where it belongs. However, doing polls for when you think something should be fixed typically isn't really helpful. Voting on it in the bug database is one good way, and the more details the better. Generally we prioritize crash bugs above everything, but even then, we need to know exact repros and details as to what's going on typically to be able to fix them. A crash that's happened to one person in a strange scenario is likely to be harder to find and fix than one hitting people 20 times a day.

    That said, what you encountered here may be fixed in the next build. We're still hunting down a number of server instability issues related to the launcher, orbital and interstellar.
  3. Lokoshin

    Lokoshin New Member

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    I had the same crash earlier. Not sure what other details to give unless i post dxdiag or something (partly I don't recall what map or size, etc.). I stopped the production, and I lost connection and the custom games can't be rejoined apparently.

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