This will make Blitz more fun for most of us. I've been on Dedicated servers lately with some very good teams. We are taken out each time by endless waves of Jackbots. There is no way for us to recover when that happens. With at least 4 of us the number of Jackbots spawning is a nightmare. Pretty please
It's not a challenge I want in a fun game, just seems pointless with a great team. I will admit however that at the end of every concern is an observant fellow pointing. :lol:
Back when MNC first released there was no Super Sudden Death Blitz and no Survivitol arena. Back then Blitz was boring because it was/is predictable. The dedicated Blitz player at the time demanded some form of Blitz that was harder and extremely. Uber decided to play a sick joke and make them even more random the on Sprintz Blitz. I honestly think the best and easiest way to fix this is being able to play the other Blitz modes on the map.
Well maybe we need something in the middle now since the first three Blitz modes are all so easy, then it jumps to Insane. Several of us in the past few days have seen the 30 round Blitz mode on dedicated servers running unlimited rounds. That could be a cool config option, just mod the rounds.
The problem with SD Blitz is it has a cap. Once you get to the fastest blackjacks, you get the same waves over and over. Blackjacks. Blackjacks. Blackjacks. Slims for some bizzare reason. Jackbots... oh hey, something to do! With the appropriate turret setup you don't have to interfere until the jackbots show up. And that's just playing solo! I think it could use some more maps, but overall that's only stretching out the issue. SSD on the other hand is pretty crazy solo - but people have still found ways to stretch that out pretty far.
if you have trouble fighting bots with no enemy pros while on a team of 4 people perhaps the game mode isn't the problem? As an assault I can easily solo 2 jackbots at a time, and that is in crossfire with enemy pros to worry about too. Not to mention the fact that assault is far from the best at dealing with bots is pretty undisputed.
Have you played Supper Sudden Death Blitz? Like, ever? Because you wouldn't be saying these things if you had.
Well you see in Crossfire the Jackbots have no extra health or speed. They are just plain ole Jackbot XL's. Not to mention in SSDB the Jackbots are on an elevated platform and don't move. If you try to get to that platform the Jackbot has a timed slam. Yeah like Psycho said sounds like you haven't even play Blitz let alone SSD Blitz.
Just by saying "it's pve" you've proven you've never even played blitz and therefore have no idea what you're talking about. Call me when you get past baby-time in sudden death.
I stopped reading here. Hyperbole is fun and all but you're talking like you actually meant it. I doubt anyone ignores the jackbots while you execute this feat. Not only that, but it's much better if more than one person attacks the jackbots in crossfire - they get decent cash for the assist. You don't need to be such a douche - even if he is. Don't drag yourself down to his level.
SD is a joke. Solo it's a snorefest, i think i went to round 320 or something one night and just walked away from my computer. Pretty sure i'm on record as 340 or something. SSD on the other hand is fairly hectic for anyone playing solo. I like that much more.
I made it to round 829 in sudden death, 112 in super sudden death. As tank with bacon or gold reload you can take out jackbots in short order while juiced. Supports are obviously limited to doing about half damage to one or popping the annihilator. Honestly I haven't played super sudden death very seriously with more than one person, mainly because I can't pause if life gets in the way. I'd like to sometime in the future, though.