Opinions please..

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by o Johnno o, June 4, 2011.

  1. o Johnno o

    o Johnno o New Member

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    So i was playing tonight against a group of people and pretty much every time i play against this group in pubs this happens. They are obviously far better in skill than me and my team mates, and as soon as they close in on the base they repeatedly air strike the spawn and camp the spawn ring. This is fine but there is no attempt really at all to touch the money ball when its down, they just keep killing everyone instantly, only when its overtime do they think about tapping the money ball.

    For me this makes the game really unenjoyable, i like a challenge as much as the next guy but being airstriked on spawn isn't a challenge. Why not just win the game and move on?

    Anyways i thought maybe i'm just whining, so what is the general consensus on this? Is it fair play?

    I realise this might not happen to a lot of you more experienced people, for new players like myself its frustrating!

    Oh i didn't think it was appropriate and perhaps not within the rules to name individual players.
  2. Foolamancer

    Foolamancer Member

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    Because MNC tracks kill-death ratio stats. A lot of players do this as a way to pad their K/D spread. It's technically "fair play", sure, because they've managed to get you locked into your spawn, but it's generally considered both unsportsmanlike and outright stupid, since it proves that you don't actually care about winning as much as making yourself look good.

    Wanking your e-peen in public is generally considered bad manners.
  3. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I am sorry but Air Strikes in the spawn room is not what would call "fair play." In fact it is considered cheating and taking advantage of an in-game exploit.

    As for them just kill farming instead of winning the match that's when I either stay in spawn until the match is over or make up little mini game for myself. I.E see how far I can make it out of spawn without firing a single bullet. Although since they are Air Striking the spawn there is really nothing you can do except wait.

    I have a pretty good idea who it was, in fact they were doing it to me yesterday sending me messages saying "Ban That!"

    File a complaint and eventually they should get enough to be banned from Xbl or some other action Microsoft takes.
  4. rhineville

    rhineville Member

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    Johnno I see it happen more often than I like, and sadly from names I recognize. Whenever it happens (no matter what team I'm on) I just leave. All you can really do is do the same, and hope that you don't get put back into the same group.

    I understand cut-throat competition, but when I see teams of full bot players juice-chaining and airstriking the spawn against teams with no one higher than 50 I just sigh. I also get an image in my head of several autistic children drowning kittens in puddles.
  5. Foolamancer

    Foolamancer Member

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    Well, that's what I get for skimming. I just saw "trapped in the spawn".
  6. o Johnno o

    o Johnno o New Member

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    I usually just poke my head out and throw a bomb and try to stick against the back wall to not get hit by the air strike, if im lucky i might kill someone. I suppose i should just quit the game really, but i never like to do that.

    Sometimes it is just being trapped, and the moneyball being ignored. It isnt airstrikes all the time, but a lot of the time.
  7. joker

    joker Active Member

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    whenever i do or did insta kill on the spawn or airstrike it, i did it for kicks. i cant see why anyone cares about their k/d as it doesnt mean a thing other than what you value it. a high k/d doesnt mean you are good, it means u care about your k/d, some of the best players in the game have k/d's in the mid 3's because it simply doesnt matter.

    but lately all that insta killing has gotten old so i just ended it after a minute of helplessness
  8. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    PM me who it was, I want to see if its the same group that always gets me.
  9. jaysofacton

    jaysofacton Active Member

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    I always leave bad rep in the hope that one day the avoidance actually works.
    I'm still waiting though :(
  10. Pilkey420

    Pilkey420 New Member

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    My little brother(we play on the same account) is always throwing spawn kills. He'll literally run into a base full of turrets and half the team just to die and try to get a spawn kill. I do apologize for anyone that has been hit by a spawn strike by my account. Well not anyone. But my opinion on it is it proves your a panzy *** player. I dont see how killing them in their spawn is worth anything. Thats one big thing Uber needs to fix in the update that has been waited for.
  11. Undercover_Thudercat

    Undercover_Thudercat New Member

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    I only airstrike the spawn ring if it's aimed at a friend or something. It's funny to be a **** to somebody who can take it as a joke - but yeah anybody who is just striking the spawn on a bunch of noobs just wants to jerk off to a high K/D at the end of the match.
  12. timmy TED

    timmy TED New Member

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    I think we all know
  13. truckus

    truckus New Member

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    As far as glitching goes (e.g. spawn room air strikes) don't be a afraid to drop names. **** 'em.
  14. Light My Pyre

    Light My Pyre New Member

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    Send me a FR and I promise it will never happen to you.
    Add me. GT : Light My Pyre

    I have a MNC partner and we're both lag warriors.
    We play with massive lag but we still kick asses.
    Try to add him. GT : IrradiatedRadex

    We have high KDRs (Me : 6.3, Radex : 7.0) which I agree with Chron1cle that it doesn't mean anything but it still proves we're better than average.

    We are gonna help you to improve.
  15. Light My Pyre

    Light My Pyre New Member

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    I'm pretty sure that the spawn striker you're talking about was RAMBO AMOK and his party of 6. He's not good IMO.
  16. truckus

    truckus New Member

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    :lol: Glad i didn't run into his party last night.

    Sucks that that Ammo Mule game was so laggy last night for us, LMP, I was glad to see other forumers in a match. I rarely run into forumers, which I suppose has something to do with how late it is when I start playing Xbox.
  17. Light My Pyre

    Light My Pyre New Member

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    Yeah that Ammo Mule match was terrible. I was trying my best ignoring the lag but it really annoyed me. My team was winning but I had no interest on unplayable matches so I just left. I would love to play with you sometime.
    Feel free to add me if you want.
    GT : Light My Pyre
  18. truckus

    truckus New Member

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    Yeah, going 'sin was not a good choice on my part considering the lag and the fact your team was slaughtering my autistic team mates. I'll add you later on tonight when I get on
  19. Light My Pyre

    Light My Pyre New Member

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    99% of the time, Assassin is unplayable for me. When I lunge, it takes 3 seconds to land. The worst part is, the lunge fails to reach the enemy 100% of the time. Lag is a killer.
  20. truckus

    truckus New Member

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    :lol: I did see that your XBL profile says you're in Japan. That's gotta blow as far as playing on American host goes.

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