Opinion on Polynomial's ""Leaving" Threads"

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Bezique, March 17, 2011.

  1. Bezique

    Bezique New Member

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    "Leaving" threads

    I've no special interest in leaving threads, I've read a couple, but I've never posted in one. None the less, I don't think asking people who have clearly become frustrated with the game not to write their views is a good stance to take.

    Hearing the reasons that finally drive people away from the game is valuable information. Providing the individual leaving the game does not write anything deliberately inflammatory then any arguments that ensue are the fault of the other members who start them. In such cases I consider it unfair to deny the person who starts the thread their voice because other people in the forum are not respecting the rules.

    This feels like a light form of censorship.
  2. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    you are not allowed to speak publicly of your opinions on moderator decisions.

    signature is appropriate.
  3. vortexcontinuum

    vortexcontinuum Active Member

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    People don't write "leaving" threads to make any constructive point. I see over ten a day on GameFAQs, and all are just lame attempts to elicit attention. Trolling, basically.
  4. timmy TED

    timmy TED New Member

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    I think he's a mod and our opinions don't really matter.
    and there are ways of offering your "valuable feedback" without posting a thread stating that you don't wanna play MNC anymore.

    example: Great game but...
    The amount of times a player can get juice is ridiculous. The same assassin killed me 6 times in a row while juiced. Nobody should be juicing once a minute. Juice is ruining the fun I am having and I bet it bothers others as well.

    Saying that you are going to leave automatically gives everyone else the argument, loldontplay or lrn2play.

    Plus pretty much every argument already has its own thread. I mean jumping and See-through glass have become OP'ed.
  5. OfficerFuttBuck

    OfficerFuttBuck Active Member

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    The ones addressing the reason why friends won't see them on anymore are ok but the ones where they are going down in a temper tantrum aren't needed.
  6. vortexcontinuum

    vortexcontinuum Active Member

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    Yeah, he just means "This game sucks, I'm outta here!" topics.
  7. Wandrian Wvlf

    Wandrian Wvlf New Member

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    It's about damn time. Now if only we could get a ban on those "what do you think of this player/group" threads...I'm all for freedom and crap, but I just think it's shameful that we NEED the mods to keep this kind of crap from being posted at all. People ought to have more sense :|
  8. killien

    killien Active Member

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    Privately owned forum which makes it essentially an extension of their offices.
    Your rights don't exist here, including freedom of speech/expression
    What these guys are saying
  9. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    That pretty much sums it up. No one cares about your bad beat story, how MNC sucks, how X and Y makes the game suck. There is no need for you to announce to the world since you're leaving, the game will die.

    Thats not true in the slightest. When have I ever displayed that kind of one sidedness with moderating?
  10. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    i guess the ones explaining why
    they left are
    ok by me. but the ones that
    are just venting arent really ne
  11. Dagoth Wit

    Dagoth Wit New Member

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    Really? All I see are people new to the game asking for tips or companions and Uber in-fighting spilling over.
  12. krunkthuzad

    krunkthuzad New Member

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    I think it is a mistake to have the very first topic on the board be about "leaving" said board.
  13. Bezique

    Bezique New Member

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    I believe this gets at what grinded at me. There's something totalitarian about seeing that thread at the top of the screen, not a good image in my eyes.
  14. Intricasm

    Intricasm New Member

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    (Not trying to start a flamewar or anything, but...) We were told very plainly that if we posted anything about a moderator decision that wasn't positive it would be considered disrespect and we'd be banned, so you can't really blame us for thinking our opinions don't matter. (I'm speaking of a former sticky by another moderator)

    Personally I agree with the sticky and everything said here about "This game sucks, i'm out!" threads.

    EDIT: This wasn't a slight against anyone or meant as an insult or anything, by the way.
  15. Immortal303

    Immortal303 New Member

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    "grinding" you? Really? "totalitarian" really?

    Get over it.

    Polynomial's right. People who obviously aren't experienced enough to avoid repeated ***-kickings leaving flame-out threads does nothing to improve the community or game. It's just negative clutter in the forums, and there's plenty of that already. If they NEED to tell their buddies they wont be playing anymore, that's their problem.

    If you feel like you're being oppressed by Uber, well maybe you need some other form of social interactions. These are the forums for MNC, not the streets of Lybia. Not quite the struggle against totalitarianism that will get you killed for speaking your mind.

    At the end of the day, its just a friggin game. If you suck, don't play. I don't understand why you would come on these forums to tell the community that you got your *** kicked so hard you'll never play again. Sounds to me like that should go in the compliment thread for whoever kicked ur ***.
  16. Bezique

    Bezique New Member

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    I was drawing simple similarity for the sake of efficienctly demonstrating my trail of thought, nothing more, you strongly exaggerate the degree to which I meant the comment. You also go on to make considerable and implied detrimental comments about the way in which my life is led with no evidence to support your thoughts. This is provocative and similar behaviour I have seen people express to others in many threads on the forums.

    I would suggest that if Uber want less "I'm leaving threads" then they should take a heavier handed approach to direct or insinuated insults on the forum in addition to devising ways of eliminating frustrating game mechanics. This will stop people feeling marginalised and will address the root cause of the problem rather than the symptoms. There must be something that is not being managed properly if they consider the number angry departure threads to be too great.
  17. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    I agree. No rules or censorship at all is anarchy. Anarchy causes too much problems and not enough accomplishment.

    They simply want to censor it because it discredits the forums that the developers use to try and get something done. Hell, I even wrote one before, in order TO get the forums back to doing actual work.

    Also, they want to censor public opinion on mods. How can a business run when nobody pays the boss any respect? Don't like a mod, then PM them. Don't make a thread that won't do anything productive and will just start flame fights.

    Things get censored here, and I support it. It's communism, but it sure is sweet. Ah, delicious communism...
  18. Immortal303

    Immortal303 New Member

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    Hey, now I feel your pain! That's the way to do it. Ban us for disagreeing with each other. For someone that was felt a totalitarian vibe from a thread, you sure are quick to squelch any disagreement with YOUR point of view.

    MY point is, if Uber doesn't want the forums full of "I'm leaving because this game sucks" threads, we should respect that.

    You say they should fix the game. Yeah, it has issues. THAT'S WHAT THE FEEDBACK AND ISSUES FORUM IS FOR. Besides, if someone is "leaving" because someone juice-chained them back to their spawn room, then spawnstriked them when they wouldn't leave, that's too bad. It's happened to all of us at some point. MNC takes a fair amount of dedication. You're going to get beat early on. You're going to get stomped by a party. You'll probably get bashed in the forums if you cry about it. Then you can cry about that too.

    If you go to the forums with an "I need to get better" mentality, there's a wealth of information and helpful forum goers to help you out. If every other thread is "This game sucks, I actually have to TRY" that could be discouraging for noobs.
  19. vortexcontinuum

    vortexcontinuum Active Member

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    Not on the MNC board :p
  20. Bezique

    Bezique New Member

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    I believe that a closer examination of my choice of words will demonstrate that this is not the case.
    If any of them should still appear that way then I hope that the context in which they have been delivered should show that that is clearly not how they are intended.

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