We all know assassins need armor on gold or at least silver. And RoF is pretty much a popular choice. But it came to me while another member was explaining how the crits endorsement works on classes and how he also explained how, while juice, all attacks are crits. Granted, this idea only extends to juiced assassins or cloak 3 shurikens, what do you think? Or do you think it at least qualifies as a "fun-not-try-harding" build. Certainly not practical, but think about Gold crits, Silver Armor, Bronze RoF. Ok, just a question for theory-players. By reducing RoF to bronze as opposed to silver, but using gold crits, does that balance out in comparison to having no crits and silver RoF? I know I could just experiment with crits on bronze and leaving armor on gold and RoF on silver but how do you think this shuffling around of crits and RoF balances out? So yeah, in (my) theory, I think a build like this is a high rish/high reward build, losing some effectiveness depending on order of builds but increased power on your (inevitable) juice rush. After all, besides assaults and gunners, assassins are also prone to crits thanks to cloak 3 and sheer juice gain. But it's all in theory with no personal testing anyways.
worth testing. tho id actually recommend prying armor off that bad boy and just playing more carefully. besides, most enemies by now expect you to run armor, so they wont randomly try something that wont kill you guranteed. id try gold crits, silver rate, bronze accuracy. then try using shurikens more often on bot lanes to get juice, and maybe once you have cloak 3 and passive 2 (should be first ones upgraded), or at game start, try to shred turrets from cloak with shurikens. of course, armor would be worthwhile too. but the crits would be high risk high reward. sometimes you do more damage, sometimes less, unlike consistent damage from silver rate. and you would do more damage when juiced according to the function of crits.
I'm normally very cautious of rockit 3's because even my standard gold armor/RoF/health regen build has trouble juicing on rockit 3's but this past game I managed to destroy one with less trouble than it usually gives me using the gold crits/armor/RoF build. But I dunno. Gold RoF/armor/crits is starting to grow on me as well but it's even harder to tell the different in juice efficiency between the two, if at all.
I wouldnt try taking off armour as you will be killed so easily, if you want tips on good builds ask rev rabies or liefglinde. But without armour once people know you are a one charge kill youre doomed.
Wait, you can take the armor endorsement off the assassin? I thought it was standard on all builds. :lol:
i tested how much criticals effect juice damage, and i would be surprised if the damage boost was more than 5%
This is what interests me most. After all, asides from strict testing, it's hard getting an accurate feel in live game play since most things near a juiced assassin generally get shredded quickly anyways. But are they getting shredded faster? I'm guessing no if you think it probably isn't statistically higher than 5%. I guess as it stands now, it only works as a placebo for me. :lol:
I think gold rate of fire is somewhat of a must, just like silver armour (may be switched around, but I prefer gold RoF). Bronze however is a much more debatable spot. Personally, I prefer bronze juice for the slightly faster juice gain.
i know people hate juice, but i think that should be the focus of a patch. not top of the list, but eventually. they need to make that half a juice box completely disappear from the meter. like, with the gold endorsement, your meter starts with no juice, but it starts with 3 juice boxes removed from the meter. so the meter is empty, but what would have taken 9 juice boxes now takes 6 to fill the meter. good idea?
Is the point of this so that the effect persists after your first juice? IE: Juice endorsements don't increase natural juice gain, just the amount of juice you pick up from juice boxes? I think that would be a fine idea to make juice endorsements VIABLE. I think it would be a HORRIBLE idea in terms of game balance (especially on spunky).
I would test it, but bronze health recovery is just so awesome with the assassin. You smokebomb, and if you land your health practically starts regenerating already.