Open Declaration of War

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by thepastmaster, May 28, 2013.

  1. thepastmaster

    thepastmaster Active Member

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    Gather one and all, beloved friend and hated foe. Leaders of old, soldiers of ancient times, and listen to my words. I hold a votive, a vendetta, held not in neither malice nor in hate, against one of thee who stand before me. A challenge thee to a game, not of thrones nor land not power, but for life. I seethe at thy presence but cast thee no ill will but your destruction. Unto you, sweet Astrocom, I declare a war unending. Life and creation hold no space for the likes of you and I both.
    This declaration of my nation against your flirtation of my fixation, our fate intertwines, locked in battle as the endless fight between feline and canine. My heart yearns for your destruction, for your undoing of this malice you hath no reason to be held against. This vendetta, fuelled not by god nor devil nor justification of some lone forgotten rule of yore, for the blazing stars and my being there is a wish of you undone for evermore.
    Take your armies of metal and light and lead them against my home. I shalt hunt these over the land and sea and sky. I shalt hunt these to the void beyond the skies above and across the burning stars.
    Hunted and hunting I shalt thee find once more and to the earth put thy lifeless husk aside your legions futile fight. For this is a declaration of war, a war unending, only resolved by the annihilation of of us. Sweet Astrocom, dear, Astrocom, flee far and wide and stand and fight and I shall come to thee once more. I hold thee no malice nor hate, I hold you dear for thou art worthy of my game.
    Rule the stars and set them alight I shall, for you are my one true enemy, my most beloved foe. Gains and loss against the tides of time unyielding and forever-more I shalt rise against thy might. Wearing, tearing, clawing, ripping against thee like the heaving ocean of the void between the stars. There shall be no peace, no rest nor character dreary, not for the wicked nor for the weary.
    War, my friend, war, my foe. This be true and held not in vain, gods nor devils be on my side as I seek to extinguish your everlasting light. Let out battler rage true and bright across the skies, let them echo beneath and across the stars, on the land and seas and air and through the voids of space of forgotten realms between the burning stars. Pain and sorrow, joy and wonder fill me with the desire, the desire to see you expire, expire in fire in a glorious blaze, sinking, dying in a wide deep mire. My dedication and this declaration, made for man and woman and child and all who wish, to see. And let them know, sweet dear Astrocom, let them know under our blazing exchanges between our ranges of phalanges...

    That war... War never changes.

    Disclaimer: This is just for a little fun. No threats made in malice but made in jest.
  2. antillie

    antillie Member

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  3. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    (in case of 2vs.2 or larger battles)
  4. Zoughtbaj

    Zoughtbaj Member

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    If ye are not convinced, then I do so declare,

    My progenitor awaits.

    Kudos if anyone recognizes these from Gauge...
  5. mrknowie

    mrknowie Member

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  6. sylvesterink

    sylvesterink Active Member

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    Such flowery prose. Back in my day, if we wanted to play a match against someone, we just asked.
  7. antillie

    antillie Member

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  8. flamerage

    flamerage New Member

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    I will murder your commander, obliterate every single armies from your celestial bodies, and put a flag on the head of your own guy.
  9. thepastmaster

    thepastmaster Active Member

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    HAH! I knew what this was when I read the title. Well done. ^_^

    But would that not, great leader clad in steel and fire, be much to simple?
  10. sylvesterink

    sylvesterink Active Member

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    Sometimes simple is best. Otherwise, by the time I finished reading your declaration, the politicians and diplomats would have negotiated a cease-fire and made things boring again.

    Also, I am wearing a t-shirt and jeans. Steel sounds like it would chafe, and fire is probably not the most comfortable attire. ;)
  11. thepastmaster

    thepastmaster Active Member

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    Shakespearian description of a robot mind you. :p A great giant clad in steel and fire would be a pretty good description of a giant plasma blasting robot, wouldn't you think?
  12. astrocom

    astrocom New Member

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    So be it, Pastmaster. Let us meet on the field of battle. Words do not issue forth from me as ions from a plasma turret; so when the time comes, I shall speak of our archrivalry through bullets, bombs and missiles; through sheer destruction and orbital bombardment. Let the remains of our battlefield speak of it through immortal ages.
  13. thepastmaster

    thepastmaster Active Member

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    Then let the dragons soar and the birds of steel scream through the skies as they deliver death and retribution! Let our armies clash and tear themselves asunder in glorious battle like a sea of titans wielding lightning and thunder as their arms and ships greater than the cities of the ancient world.
    Let the songs of ice and fire burn the land and make the very stars rain upon the world in GLORIOUS vengeance and retribution of the fallen!
  14. astrocom

    astrocom New Member

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    When at last our battle begins, my wrath shall lay waste to your every defense and construct. When it ends, all that remains of you will be the scars of our battlefield, and an entry in the database.
  15. astrocom

    astrocom New Member

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    And perhaps a bit of flowery prose.
  16. thepastmaster

    thepastmaster Active Member

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    I can not but conclude you to be one of the most pernicious little odious reptiles that nature every suffered to crawl upon the surface of the Earth. And as such I shall STOMPETH thee out as a renegade fire of old and I shall shake the very foundations of heaven and earth to bring it down upon thee! From the very depths of my once whole soul I stab at thee for I shalt never falter in my conviction to see thy empty metal husk be hot and red from the beams of light that sizzle the very air we breath.
    My zeal will drive me ever onwards and thou shall falter and I shall crush thee with my soft walk and big guns that will resound like Thor's thunder and Zeus' lightning.

    (Bonus points for spotting the three quotes I used and identifying them. ;))
  17. iampetard

    iampetard Active Member

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    Everyone understands this kind of declaration!
  18. sylvesterink

    sylvesterink Active Member

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  19. astrocom

    astrocom New Member

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    Hah! If I am a reptile, I am a dragon. No mere stomp of feet or barrage of artillery will make a husk of me, nor zeal cause me to falter. So quickly do you descend to simplistic insults. Should your tactics prove as empty as your words, I will dispose of you quickly, rending you swiftly into oblivion.

    (The bonus points are for someone else, I already discussed them with Pastmaster)
  20. antillie

    antillie Member

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