Open API:s

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by egu, August 29, 2012.

  1. egu

    egu New Member

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    Concretes to us that PA will be! :D

    Anyway I have a bit of an different request but that will probably make the game live many more years.

    1) Let the map editor be able to be programmed. So gamers out there can generate games in PA that you didn't think about. Ref: WC3 it now have DOTA and TowerDefence. I don't think Blizzard thought about that when they did WC3...

    2) Let the client API (communication protocol) be open. So people can program there own clients. Type of clients they might be doing can be: AI clients, View/Tournament clients. They might even do an different gaming client. Important here is, use the same protocol with in the game. Ref: Quake, there are even an ASCII Quake2 client: ....

    By doing this you will let people help you do a better game and let it live ever longer.

    /BR EgU

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