OP Classes?? umm no its BALANCED

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by shadow391, August 15, 2010.

  1. shadow391

    shadow391 New Member

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    So I have been looking around the forums, and i see alot of threads saying "Supporrt OP" or "Gunner OP" or any other class... but this game is Balanced. it just comes down to how well you know the game and TEAMWORK!...

    I saw one post that said snipers are under powered... i fell out my seat laughing. I play a sniper and i can say i feel more OP than any other class. I have 3 freezing traps which when i trap somebody i can do one of the following: snipe them in the head, throw a flak and taunt as they die, or pull out my uzi and spray away... i have noticed snipers are the least armored class but with some GobiNumb sponsor i am a tank(at least thats how i feel)..
    When i actually use the main weapon(the sniper) i can stay at range and NOBODY can get to me...
    I usually have 30+K 15+A and less than 8 Deaths

    Another I feel OP is because of my secondary Weapon(uzi). Most of the time i play sniper i use it for the uzi, i run around with this out and rape the other teams base and players close range...
    This game was all uzi kills

    I decided to play Assault when i get bored of sniper. the game I played assault I was against 2 Gunners 2 Tanks and 2 Support. When the game started i was like "WTF We lose!!" but i realized hot not OP these classes really are..

    So I am tired of seeing threads and posts about How OP a class is. Its just a matter of how well you know the game and your class. Cause to me ANY class i play i feel "OP"..
    Last edited: August 15, 2010
  2. l3g1t

    l3g1t Member

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    Re: OP Classes??

    The OP is OP


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    Re: OP Classes??

    Announcer is op.
  4. Rodelero

    Rodelero New Member

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    Re: OP Classes??

    One person being able to do extremely well with a class is not a sign of something being overpowered. Many, many people being able to do much better with a class than any other class consistently is.

    Like most arguments which "it's not OP" use, your argument concludes essentially that nothing is overpowered, or even could be, which is false, and thus, so is your argument. As for the incredibly clever repetition of the "X is overpowered" - at least try and think of something which no-one has before each time :|
  5. Zenith94x

    Zenith94x New Member

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    Re: OP Classes??

    Yes, I agree.
  6. shadow391

    shadow391 New Member

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    Re: OP Classes??

    My point is that Support and Gunner are not "OP".. im not saying my class is overpowered.. Im saying EVERY class has their own way of being "more OP" than the next.. whether it be by settin up a firebase or throwing trap or even goin invis.. its just a matter of knowing how to play smart
  7. quaabi

    quaabi New Member

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    im pretty sure the classes are balanced.....just comes down to how well yu no the game and the class ur playing and the class ur playin against.
  8. shadow391

    shadow391 New Member

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  9. DevilAir

    DevilAir New Member

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    Yeah. Tough seeying all the QQ on this forum is kinda of annoying, especially for Support players.
  10. Reizarvg

    Reizarvg New Member

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    Obviously if you're good at the game and have a little common sense it's going to mitigate balance issues somewhat, but the game isn't perfect, and we shouldn't be saying it is. The Support class gets airstrikes that one hit any class regardless of endorsements, and he can throw down three of these at a time. Can you not see anything wrong with that? Sure, it doesn't make him invincible, and there are ways round it, there always is, but the fact is that it's just too powerful. In proportion to everything else, those airstrikes are like the Support is carrying around portable nukes in his pocket.

    A bunch of screenshots showing off your mad skillz has absolutely nothing to do with balance. Well done, you got a lot of kills. The airstrikes are still disproportionately powerful when compared to everything else in game.
  11. DevilAir

    DevilAir New Member

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    QQ more.

    It's SO ******* EASY to avoid airstrikes that i laugh every time i randomly hit someone.
  12. Reizarvg

    Reizarvg New Member

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    You're missing the point. Yes, it's easy to avoid them, I get that. But again, it doesn't change the fact that they're just too powerful. The only other thing that can one hit people regardless of endorsements is a headshot from a sniper, and that can only do it one at a time and is limited by player skill. The support can throw down three of these things at a time, each one being able to one hit anything underneath them. You're going to hit something with it. Honestly, the damage isn't really the thing that bothers me. It's the fact he can throw three of them. There's no reason for it, no other class has access to anything close to that firepower. Assault can only throw one bomb, Tank can only launch one grenade, why does the support class need three airstrikes? He doesn't, there's absolutely no reason for it.

    You can insinuate I'm a bad player and insult me all you like, it's completely irrelevant.
  13. DevilAir

    DevilAir New Member

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    I don't want to insult anyone, it's just SO damn annoying to read all this crying when there are a LOT worse things than airstrikes.

    I can agree with you that three is just too much, then again, i don't see to point in removing them. They're mainly used for killing deployed tanks and gunners, which is damn helpfull for the team, they're used for killing fast firebases, they help in striking down jackbots...yeah i don't see the point in removing them. They could just do something like dunno, the more you throw at once the less damage they do, but i still think that it should be a one hit kill. They're WAY too predictable, come on and EASY to avoid unless you're totally blind.
  14. Reizarvg

    Reizarvg New Member

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    This isn't me crying, I'm just trying to offer constructive feedback to help improve the game. I know that the Support isn't unbeatable, and he doesn't make the game unplayable, but he could do with soem tweaks. All I want is for the number of deployable airstrikes to be reduced to one. yeah, one is fairly easy to dodge, but it gets harder when they can instantly chuck three of them at you. I just don't think it's at all necassary for him to have 3.

    Honestly, I think the Support is just too versatile for a class based game. He's clearly the best defensive class, and with airstrike spam and hacked firebases he's amazing at offense as well. His passive aura makes him the best at pushing bots as well.
  15. DevilAir

    DevilAir New Member

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    Well, this won't improve anything, will just make the game easier for deployed tanks and gunners, as well as jackbot constantly entering your base and no support killing firebases with airstrike. And please it's easy to avoid three of them in a row too. And if the support sticks that on you, just rush at him and make him explode with you or take cover :| It's WAY less easier escape from a gunner that has took aim on you and already has a spinning minigun, an assassin back grapple, a tank going to kill you after stinking his grenade on you, a grapple from an assault that's gonna throw you out almost always and **** like that. I really don't see the problem with the Airstrike.

    IF you REALLY wanna whine about the Support, whine about the hacking of ENEMIES turrets. THAT needs some serious nerf, not the airstrike.
  16. SurplusGamer

    SurplusGamer New Member

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    To me this seems like a silly thing to say. Of course there are a few balance issues. If there weren't, it'd be pretty much miraculous, perhaps the first multiplayer game of any sort of complexity that didn't need any balance tweaking EVER. TF2 needed it, other games before and after have had it.

    Certainly, Uber have done a great job in the initial release - obviously the balance has been worked on rather well and the issues have been thought about. The game is fun and playable on release and that's the main thing. But they're not miracle workers, there are issues that will only crop up through a lot of sustained play by large numbers of people and hopefully we can trust that they will address these.

    Just loving the game isn't enough to prove it doesn't need tweaking. Just being someone who hasn't personally experienced significant problems doesn't prove it either.

    What decides these things is all feedback taken as a whole, firstly. Secondly, and more importantly gameplay stats that are no doubt being collected behind the scenes will give a much clearer picture of where certain balance issues may exist than the anecdotal musings of any one forum poster. The chances that they will look at all these data and decide 'wow, everything is 100% balanced already, no changes needed, job done!' is very, very slim.
  17. Reizarvg

    Reizarvg New Member

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    I'm just going to list the basic facts about the airstrikes and let you figure out whether you think a Support oriented class should have them.

    The damage an airstrike does, even at level one, is enough to kill any class, regardless of endorsements, in a single hit.
    At level one, the area it cover is large enough to do that to multiple players at once.
    Once upgraded, the support can throw down three of them per cooldown, with a much increased area. He can kill an entire team with a single ability. No other class even comes close to that kind of power, and this is a support oriented class. He's jack of all trades, and master of them as well.

    I rarely see supports taking out firebases with airstrikes, and they are definitely not the only way to take out Jackbots. Nerfing them a little would in no way break the game. It would merely encourage the support to think more instead of spam, and hopefully make him more support focused.

    Oh, and stop saying I'm whining and crying. I'm merely trying to offer feedback based on my experiences with the game. Feedback is good for everyone, including the developers.
  18. DevilAir

    DevilAir New Member

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    Now, if you say that the AoE of the airstrike at level one is enough to kill multiple targets, i don't wanna know how you play lol. Or with what kind of people you play. Tough yeah, maybe it should be an instakill just on level 3, with the size limited to level 2. And lol spamming them is only good to kill deployed dudes, kill snipers, firebases or actually push someone into a trap or **** like that, they are NOT that gamebreaking the way they are, they cover a relatively large area and takes a crapload to drop down, you have no means to stay in that stupid area. I'm level 47 now and i've been killed by an airstrike about 2-3 times in my whole mnc life, IT'S SO VISIBILE there's no excuse to not avoid that :|

    And lol, stop shitting about the fact that "support" isn't supporter, cause he supports A LOT, he's the only class that can heal turrets, power them up and **** like that, he deserves some kind of fun part or something like that. It's like everybody wanna kill support easy lol.
  19. Reizarvg

    Reizarvg New Member

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    I don't get killed often by airstrikes either, but that doesn't mean he should be able to throw down 3 of them. All I want to do is make the cooldown similar to the assaults bomb and limit the amount of throwable strikes to 1. Just have upgrades increase area.

    When did I say that Support didn't support? My point is that he's great at support, but also amazing at offense and defense. He's far too versatile for this sort of game. He can hack and heal turrets to make them seriously powerful, boost the health and fire rate of friendly bots, keep the team alive, suck health from enemies to himself, hack enemy turrets to his side, place a portable turret anywhere he wants that's also really powerful, Decimate enemy bots and turrets with airstrikes, one hit every single class in the game with airstrikes, survive a ton of damage thanks to the health drain and heal from firebases, shut down half of the enemies bot pushing with a single firebase, perform serious short term area denial with three airstrikes, one or two hit multiple classes with a shotgun and take down jackbots without breaking a sweat.

    One class should not be this good at everything. It begins to make the other classes look almost irrelevant. I don't want to nerf him to death, or mak him easy to kill, I just want him tweaked a bit so he fits better into his intended role.
  20. shadow391

    shadow391 New Member

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    Im not saying this game is perfectly Balanced... but im saying its not as "unbalanced" as people say.... Airstrikes and firebases are easy to avoid/kill.. ppl make it sound like once u pick support its an auto-win and a garaunteed 35kills.. and its not

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