On-screen match timer/Map vote?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Wishlist' started by Tre, December 23, 2010.

  1. Tre

    Tre New Member

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    I like to use match timers to keep track of when things recharge/spawn in FPSs. There's quite a few elements like that in MNC, so it would be pretty handy. I know there's a match timer at a spot in each map, but it's pretty inconvenient to use for that.

    Voting for the next played map is pretty self-explanatory.
  2. nick

    nick New Member

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    Fully agree. One of the best additions that can be made.
  3. SvartfaR

    SvartfaR Member

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    I like the idea with the map vote.

    But only one which let us vote in the lobby screen between matches. No stupid vote ingame which blocks important keys. ^^
  4. AARPS

    AARPS New Member

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    Agreed with the map vote, though couldn't this get dangerous if you're going against a full team that can slaughter you on a particular map? They would just rinse repeat all day and chase any fun away.

    I disagree with the timer. You have to look, it's just part of the deal. I play with plenty of folks that have the timing on the annihilator down to a science so I've come to view it as another skill, one of the few that transfer so cleanly between classes.
  5. MikeyTWolf

    MikeyTWolf New Member

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    I agree that everyone knowing when the annihilator is ready probably won't be as fun instead of just looking in one direction for the hologram and/or listening out for Mickey Cantor screaming "WE'VE GOT THE ANNIHILATOR READY!" (which still confuses the hell out of me how my team mates fail to realise that perhaps we should, y'know, use or defend the button so we don't have everything we've done in the past minute completely undone once that echoes through the arena).

    What I wouldn't mind though, and might like to see, is an on-screen match timer like the thread title suggested, where you have the time left until overtime be displayed on your HUD, since you'd need someone in the spawn room all the time to look at that one in particular. If it was abused to make perfect overtime rushes, then all the more reason to have it, since I've yet to see any decent teamwork and organisation (probably to come naturally with VoIP on-screen indicators). There's already a timer for Overtime, but being text and mostly out the way, I don't think anyone realises when to just stop playing if you're 1 second away from losing by default.
  6. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    Instead of having it as part of the HUD, they could just display the time in more places around the arenas
  7. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    I like the clock where it is. It rewards players knowing when OT hits by people keeping an eye on the clock.

    Also, with map voting. I prefer a rotation. Otherwise we could recreate the Nuketown problem with Black Ops >.>
  8. Tre

    Tre New Member

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    I'm not proposing that Map Vote replace map rotation, but as an alternative. My wanting a timer on the HUD has less to do with keeping track of when overtime starts and more as a tool to keep track of spawning/recharging things, ejectors or Bullseye, for example. Running 10-20 seconds from wherever you are on the map to wherever you can view a clock and back isn't really an option.

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