On running Windows on a Mac

Discussion in 'Support!' started by xanderdrax, June 10, 2013.

  1. xanderdrax

    xanderdrax New Member

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    I've been using windows on a Mac machine for almost a year now (via Bootcamp). I always like having all my games on the windows partition of my comp so I can have all my games in one place. Since this game is going to have an OSX version, I'm aware that I might be the only one with this kind of setup in the alpha (I'm the only one that's mentioned it, anyway). Now, let me explain for those who've never dealt with Macs. When running Windows on a Mac, at least any Mac made recently, the issues are (almost) never with the hardware itself when running games. The problems arise from weird driver issues, and in my experience, it is always a graphics issue. Now, I've been playing the alpha quite a bit and noticing that all the bugs I've been encountering have been the same bugs that everyone else encountered, including all those related to graphics. This is, of course, a good thing. It means that, so far as I have observed, there are no extra bugs from doing things my way. However, I'm not sure how long looking for bugs due to a slightly unusual setup will be necessary. I'm unsure because I don't know exactly HOW the new builds are changing. I'm not familiar with how drivers and hardware interact, or how fundamental a change to the game would be necessary to create bugs not seen on a normal PC. I'm really in the dark about what causes things to break when normally they wouldn't, I just know that sometimes things don't work. So anyone who knows more about this than me, I'd love to be filled in with what, if anything, I should be looking for here. It may be that I don't need to worry at all, but until I'm sure, I'll be looking for anything that might only apply to my setup (along with the normal reporting). After all, someone else might have the same setup after release and it would be a shame to catch things late.
  2. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    If you have any problem with game first you need to do it's check what exactly hardware do you have. Please run dxdiag tool in Windows, click on "Save all information" and then upload your DxDiag.txt as attachment.

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