Terminator is friends w outlaw 4 year gold. Tell us who you are? Thejosh? Los huevos? Scratchy? Turntables? Snarf? Make me quit?
That's my brother's account. We play on the same Xbox. I am not any of those ppl. I don't even know any of them god. Please just stop.
By the way I had one of the best games ever as sniper today. Absolutely beasted on bold lofty. 14-11-7 Maybe I'll try that when I get into PM s.
What are you even talking about??? I played sniper like 3 times ever and always got pwned. But this time I joined lead lp and went beast mode.
Thanks! I also kept on killing GC2MT. He would run after me and shoot at me but I just dodged his bullets and killed him. Lol!