OGODWHEREAMI's Suggestions to Uber Ent (No Ranting)

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Wishlist' started by OGODWHEREAMI, September 6, 2010.



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    I do apologize for the construction/grammar of this post, it was originally my response to another user's suggestion and instead i tweaked it for a single thread.

    SUGGESTION 1: Map Editor

    Considering the game uses relatively similar map bases and not a lot of variation in terms architecture in the game enviroment, i think it'd be a solid move for uberent to release some sort of map creation tool.

    Yet again all of this is just going off of the assumption that by Uber Ent. following the trend of games like Little Big Planet, Halo 3, Modnation Racers and other games that rely on user created content with admin oversight, that this would not only open up the player base a bit more, but also increase the content of this game exponentially in terms of maps and user created ideas.

    So Basically my addition to this list includes:

    The Addition of a Map Edition/Creator, Following the process of games like Skate 3 and such.
    -Maps would be created and then submitted into a database where they would be testable and playable by other Map Creator Owners and then from there the most popular map of the Week as voted/played by the above owners would be fully accessible to all other MNC players.

    Suggestion 2:
    Create-able Teams

    - Now I'm fully aware that currently Micky Canters voice over only supports 2 teams (Hotshots and Icemen), and that getting the voice actor to come back in and create voice overs for specific teams is just a little ludicrous. But instead i offer onto you another suggestion:

    Create a Crossfire/Blitz Gameplay mode called.....Career or Tournament Play, IE: Career Blitz/Tournament Blitz (or something like that) that would allow users to create a team with other online players allowing them to customize the colors of the teams uniforms and the option to name their team (UNDER SUPERVISION OF UBER ENT.). And in the intorduction of the match instead of having Micky Canter doing a specific introduction of the teams, doing a generic introduction and removing such phrases as "And a Hotshot gets a Pint Condo, Courtesy of a Blackjack Bot" and other name specific phrases.

    In addition to date i cannot think of a game that has been released that actually allows the scheduling of player group vs player group matches without outside programming and such (Gamebattle.com etc.). Also i should note that by scheduling, i could either refer to actual Tournament Gameplay, or just Team vs Team battle actually coordinated by the game. Either way you would be connecting to the hardcore player base of clans and such and the other player base of less hardcore players just looking for a social experience.

    SUGGESTION #3: Player Customizable Blitzes

    This one is probably the most simple of them all in terms of ideas, and ties in with the map editor in part. Basically, what i'm after is the aspect of allowing players to create Blitzes in terms of full customization in terms of what kinds of bots spawn, how many, Strength, Speed, etc. So basically allowing the user to fully customize games of blitz to his or her liking and the ability to share said game with other players of MNC. Probably something else that could be paired with this could either be more blitz maps or allowing player created blitz maps.

    Now i am fully aware of the large amount of work some of these ideas would take, and i'm fully aware that the chances of admins reading these Suggestions and agreeing with them (let alone users agreeing with these suggestions) is minute, but these are my suggestions as to how Uber Entertainment could increase their player base and attempt to satisfy the craving that users have for new content.


  2. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I totally agree with this one. It was actually an idea I though of when the game launched.

    The editor would be best if it was simple. If you've ever played Time Splitters and made maps in that game you'll understand what I mean by simple. The actual editor is grid based and having pre-made pieces. You basically just line it up in the grid.

    Actually, I think this video would clear it up and make more sense to my idea.
  3. mainvity1

    mainvity1 New Member

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    dead strech that would make sense for mnc
  4. ChrisMikeRack

    ChrisMikeRack New Member

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    Map creators are pretty much great fun! Not too sur ehow hard it would be to now implement though after release. Maybe something we are more likely to see on a MNC2?!
  5. Red Rain

    Red Rain New Member

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    it takes alot of work to make a map editor soooo u can have it if u wanna pay for it
  6. Ekanaut

    Ekanaut Uber Alumni

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    Although interesting ideas and things we considered during development, none of these suggestions are possible with this version of MNC. Scope and planning are too big and would have needed to happen before we released.
  7. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Aww shucks. :p

    There is always next game...in the future...after you are done with MNC.
    Regardless, keep up the amazing work guys and gals at Uber.

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