So, while I was trying to make a decent looking gas planet, and in the process of doing so, I managed to create something which does not look like a gas giant. Which happens to be this, thing. Anyways, I'm running a GTX 650, 344.48 Drivers, @ 1920x1080. I personally think this was caused by setting the Temp to 100, At 99 and below it's fine, Only temp 100 does this, although I have no idea if this meant to look like this, which it probably ain't. So, yeah, any help/explanation would be appreciated. EDIT:Running Windows 8.1.
Oops, I just tested task on bug tracker related to that: PA#4007 Though this didn't happen for me on Linux and Intel HD4600, but I only noticed missing atmospheric effect reported as PA#4205. Looks like I can confirm original task of @lokiCML now.
Tried replicating the bug and it didn't happen the same again, although I got this (atmosphere looks solid) And a missing atmosphere like you said on the second try to see if it was any different, I also went through all the temperatures and had no bugs I could see, seems that temp 100 is just a bit buggy with gas giants.
This is fixed now. Setting the temperature to 100 was causing the code to do an out of bounds vector reference, which in c++ is "undefined" behavior. Undefined behaviors in c++ mean it might cause a crash, return a default value, format your hard drive, or cause unicorns to fly out of your USB sockets. One or all of those options are equally correct behaviors. Obviously some of those are unlikely to actually happen (it's almost never a default value for example). In this case it was getting a random chunk of memory, using those bits as a "color", and applying that as the fog and ambient color. Sometimes it was all zeros (hence no fog), sometimes it was very high numbers (white), sometimes it was negative (that results in black and eventually strange colors), and sometimes it was something kind of okay.
The one that looks like an inky black hole is eating bubblegum? That won't work anymore, no. (Though you can mod it back in if you really want to).
I'll miss you, Pretty Pink Planet. (@bgolus I assume that these are related, as the temperature was set to 100 for this planet as well)
I don't think that planet would be visible like that for other people, since the effect seemed to be random. I wonder who got the unicorns from the USB ports...
So, correct me if I'm wrong, depending on what you were doing at the time, or what values were in RAM, it would bring in different results, Like Websterx01's pretty pink planet or my inky bubblegum hole. Anyways, I'm glad it's been fixed, means I can see what temp 100 is meant to look like, Well, that and no more demon planets.
After hearing you say that, I suddenly wish that was a thing, I can only imagine a disco planet, and how groovy it would be.