So yeah recently the nukes where updated looks, damage etc.. So i tough i might play one game and use them... but some enemys just dont want to make anti nukes.. well this is actually wat will happen if you dont Also about the looks, i like them they look very cool and with that i mean more the anti nukes o.o they look sexy at my opinion. Also i was just able to send 3 nukes to that guys base at the end since i saw my life in that game come to a end when he came with hes big bot army Well have fun watching and dont forget to leave a comment ^.^ And wat do you think about nukes - choromakolo
Havn't played around with nukes yet as I have been away. I watched a stream and the anti nuke seemed to have such a small area of protection giving that they look to have similar costs and build time to the nuke. Do nukes follow units? As in if you get 2 nukes to attack a commander at the same time but your opponent notices the scouts or whater and moves away will the nuke hit the commander or the location?
That will make them defensive structures. Put some around your base. Enemy tank zerg attacks. Enemy tank zerg kills it. Enemy tank zerg dies. And bombing them will be suicidal for aircraft. And if they can't kill commander in one hit, you should always stand near one and destroy it if someone gets nearby.
Yes nukes track.. cuz i used it on a commander.. when he was running away and it just hited him perfectly.
I'm gonna go ahead and assume that their tracking ability is a placeholder until there is an effective 'attack ground' system in place?
I know that nukes track infinitely. I did a test with ghostflux where it followed my plan completely around the planet a couple of times
Nukes are great if you're the one building them. However if you get nuked, it almost always happens so sudden and unexpected that it turns out to be a very cheesy and cheap game ender. In the alpha for now anyways it can lead to a cheap tech rush as to who can start nuke spamming first. Chances are that if the enemy is even slightly better than you, he will have a nuke ready before you could even finish the anti-nukes needed to cover your base, so I think antinukes need to be drastically cheaper. Also, I think that it is rather sad that an easy win like that is more effective than actually managing units. So I wonder how nukes are positive for normal gameplay.
Just build interceptors and shoot the nuke down. :lol: A cloak-capable Commander should have no fear of nukes. Hear the launch, mash that cloak, and it's impossible to score a direct hit.