Not sure where to post this, but the lag is unplayable.

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by oneredblock, July 9, 2013.

  1. oneredblock

    oneredblock New Member

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    I've got a nice computer (if you tell me how to check my specs, I'll post them. I don't know much about computers.) that can run most games well, but the lag I get in this game makes it unplayable. It takes about five to ten seconds for to move the screen using the arrow keys, and units teleport around when I make them move. Etc.

    Anyone else getting lag? I got my copy from steam btw.

    EDIT - Also, I'm sure others have reported this, but some fabrication units randomly decide to disappear.
  2. mushroomars

    mushroomars Well-Known Member

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    Type "DxDiag" into the search bar in the start menu and run it. Save it as a text file and post the results here.

    Also, yes, even $4k rigs are having trouble dealing with PA's cringe-worthy lack of optimization, but it will get a LOT better with time.
  3. YourLocalMadSci

    YourLocalMadSci Well-Known Member

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    Forgive me for asking, but if you don't know your system specs, how did you check them against the recommended minimum specifications listed on the steam page?

    1. The game is still under heavy development, with much optimisation still to come. Performance will improve as the game moves closer to release.

    2. In order for people to help you, you will need to give more information. What OS are you running at the moment? If you don't know how to check your system specifications, then you should check what the appropriate method is for your operating system, as finding out hardware specs on a linux distro is different from checking on windows. Google is your friend.

    If you are on Windows 7, type "dxdiag" into the search bar on the start menu. Click on "save all information" in order to get a text file of your specifications, then upload that text file here. As a general rule, you should also make sure your graphics card drivers are up to date.

    I suggest a mod moves this thread to the Alpha section of the forums. Please post further queries or technical issues about the Alpha there.
  4. occusoj

    occusoj Active Member

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    Thats to be expected with an alpha lacking most if not all optimization ;).

    But I have to agree that the lag/low fps is quiet extreme with some units moving around. Though my i7-920/5970 setup is old junk but Id be happy if it at least made two-digit fps when nothing much happens
    Lots of units shooting results in a frame every second or two now, maybe it gets to a state where even lowend systems render around 3 fps, thatd be cool.

    On the other hand, just treating it like a round based game helps a lot. BattleIsle for example could do with way less than 1 fps :D. It isnt that much about micro managing stuff anyway.

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