Damn you rustclan!! I see your team of n00bs jumping major! You want WAR YOU GOT WAR SOB! The juice is loose! WTFE IS ALL OVER YOU
RustCLAN has proved time and time again that he's too good on this game. What does 'WTFe' think they will be able to do to him?
I actually managed to get that sound clip and make it my computer's boot-up chime. It's actually really amusing.
we will do what the language barrier will allow us to do.... kill his grammer with juice from the pandas love thumper
Not a bad idea actually, I might take him saying 'ok gimme one second' from that video and put it on loop as my boot-up chime. Have you seen his k/d though? I wish you all the best, but you're going to need ALOT of pandas.