I haven't seen this issue described before, at least not entirely. When I play PA on Linux with Intel graphics, the game is perfectly playable, but I don't get any video effects at all. There are textures on objects and on the planets, but when a nuke lands, a commander dies, or the Catalyst fires, I hear the sound and get the expected level of destruction, but there's no mushroom cloud or giant laser beam. Even ordinary unit attacks are very non-spectacular. When starting the game, I see no green zones (I have seen this posted before) to spawn in, though wild clicking will usually allow me to hit one by accident. Throughout the game, I cannot see any indication of where metal deposits are except by ordering the construction of extractors. Other posts have suggested turning off "cinematic mode" from the settings -> ui tab, but I don't see anything there about cinematic mode. This behavior is independent of the graphics level setting, though I do have to keep anti-aliasing off. Selecting FXAA leaves me with a completely black game window, but I can hear the game continue running.
> Are my graphics drivers up to date? I'm using Linux. I have the latest kernel and x11 drivers available for my distro (OpenSUSE 13.1). > Verify my game files Are MD5 sums posted somewhere? I have downloaded the .tar.bz2 file for Linux with every release and it has always unpacked successfully. I have also had this problem all along, across many PA versions including 71729. Always before, I chalked it up to beta software, but I can't do that anymore.
Boot some live version of distribution that have latest Mesa included and check PA on it. E.g gears on gallium: http://www.gearsongallium.com/ Most likely version of Mesa included in your distribution too old so you don't see effects. I don't have any issues with them on Ubuntu 14.04 with stock Mesa and with latest Mesa too.