No Regions Available

Discussion in 'Support!' started by skypheonix20, May 30, 2014.

  1. skypheonix20

    skypheonix20 Member

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    this is a bug i have encountered 3 times now every time a new update has come out

    New Bitmap Image.jpg New Bitmap Image - Copy.jpg

    deleting all files and complete reinstall gives me regions back

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  2. skypheonix20

    skypheonix20 Member

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    ok well iv had this happen to me again now for the 6th time
    been playing the game for a while now with no problems last thing i did was spectate in a game then 10 mins later i try launching the game to have really long connecting times and eventually saying no regions available
    New Bitmap Image.jpg New Bitmap Image 4.jpg New Bitmap Image 5.jpg
    sometimes but rarely it will give me a choice of regions but no games will show up in lobby and it will just disconnect me if i try to start my own

    after using PA_setup to remove the launcher from my computer i went to C:\Users\Skypheonix\AppData\Local\Uber Entertainment and deleted the UberLauncher folder then to C:\Games\Uber Entertainment\Planetary Annihilation Launcher and deleted the Coherent_UI.txt, D3DCompiler_43.dll, UberLauncher.exe, UberLauncher.exe_old then into Planetary Annihilation\stable and deleted the buildid.txt, licence.txt, msvcp110.dll, msvcr110.dll, PA.exe and version.txt

    i then restarted the computer and run the PA_setup to reinstall the launcher, downloaded all missing files and now everything is running fine again accept its reset all my key bindings.

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    Last edited: July 21, 2014

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