Ninjapirate looking for a taste of competitive MNC

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Clans, Team, and Tournamen' started by lord_sammy, March 1, 2011.

  1. lord_sammy

    lord_sammy New Member

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    I don't have a super amazing KD (0.722), nor do I have super amazing aiming skills or the ability to claw perfectly for hours on end. But I am good at pushing lanes and ending games. One could argue "Shut up noob that only works in pub games"; and hey you're probably right. I don't want to show off super awesome gg skills that I probably don't have, I want to see where I stand. All I ask is that a team pick me up and let me see if I need more practice or not. If you don't like me, hey, kick me out, no hard feelings. All I ask is for a chance. As of right now I'm a level 66 slim. I'm good with Assassin and Support (though don't expect jizz-in-my-pants worthy airstrikes or spot-on shuriken attacks where 100% of the projectiles make their mark and kill the target), and half-decent with Tank. Assault, Gunner, and Sniper are my weak classes.
  2. F5in

    F5in New Member

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    You're not as bad as you say you are (at least with Assassin). I remember joining a session and you helped me tickle the enemies balls.
  3. lord_sammy

    lord_sammy New Member

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    I never said I was bad XD I just said I wasn't the best
  4. RueTasogare

    RueTasogare New Member

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    Dunno if i played against you or not. I just remember one or two assassins that would usually make me cry out "damn juicing assassins"

    At least you push lanes. You'd be surprised how many people forget about killing bots. Assassin is one of the best classes at that
  5. vortexcontinuum

    vortexcontinuum Active Member

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    *Sees Assassin cloak through a wave of bots to face stab a Support*

    RAEG :x
  6. lord_sammy

    lord_sammy New Member

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    One time I saw an assassin running AWAY from a wave of bots that was marching towards the moneyball! WTF. I guess since I was Sniper they could go do the same thing and go "Those pros aren't dead. WTF." XD Well, speaking of my Sniper is fairly unorthodox. I try to move with the front lines and share my traps with the team, do everything I can to make up for my shitty, I rage so hard when I have my traps all carefully placed on our base's turrets and I just happen to be in the juiced Assassin's path. Maybe I should camp more so that doesn't happen! :lol:
  7. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    Rue and Sammy, I have seen you play and both of you are good. I have Rue on my friend's list. My gamertag is same as forum name if you too would like to play some time Sammy. Not sure if we can stick you in a tourney, but my group (CoR) plays a lot of privates so you will get to do something of a higher difficulty level.

    Might as well take advantage of these forums, since I haven't earned my 3rd strike. I can post if I truely desire, best thing is since I visit so rarely, all replies to this will have sunken by time I return.
  8. RueTasogare

    RueTasogare New Member

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    Thanks for that Bro. Those matches were pretty fun. Need to do it again sometime.

    If you're still looking for a team Sammy, me and Typical Knave were gonna start a new one for the next tournament. You interested?
  9. lord_sammy

    lord_sammy New Member

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    Sure! I'd love to. However I have class during the weekdays, 7-8:20 on Monday and Wednesday, 5:30 to 8:20 on tuesdays and thursdays, CST of course. I'm usually free before class and and after provided my sister doesn't have the 360.
  10. RueTasogare

    RueTasogare New Member

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    Alright. Good to know Sammy. Just add both me and Knave and we'll try getting some training sessions together.

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