1. haveuseenher

    haveuseenher New Member

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    I haven't played in awhile. I don't have a clue what alot of the MNC talk/slang is on here. I'm just looking for people to group up with and play Crossfire. I'm level 75 and have a Kills/Deaths of 1.522. I play all class but the Assassin.
    GT: FrEaKshiz
    If you add me please leave a message or something letting me know why you added me.
  2. jaysofacton

    jaysofacton Active Member

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    Take a look in the teams/clans section. I've just bumbed Sevthetroopers thread who's
    after players. Even if you think you don't want to be in a team you will most likely
    change your mind after a few games. ;)
  3. UpperFungus

    UpperFungus New Member

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    This is probably a dumb question... But what's the point of joining a team if the system assigns the teams automatically? Wouldn't some of your "teammates" then be on the other team? I've played a TON of Red Dead Redemption and it has an option to "posse" with certain people so that you'll always be on the same team. MNC doesn't have that option, or so I've been told. I must be missing something here.
    Last edited: April 25, 2011
  4. Metallic Rage

    Metallic Rage New Member

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    If you go to your friends list and choose "Join Session in Progress" it will put you on the same team if possible during that current game if there is room. Every game after that it will put you on the same team with said person.

    Alternately, join a party. Get setup in a pregame lobby together and launch to find a game as a team. You'll have to wait longer to get a game and may get split up on the first game as usual. But you'll be together after that.

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