Newbie questions

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by kennethdeath, December 24, 2013.

  1. kennethdeath

    kennethdeath New Member

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    I just started playing PA, for 2 days.

    found the following things built beta V58772

    1. Maybe i suck, i lose first 4 times to AI.
    - no way to set AI difficulty level?
    -anyway, after getting the built list correct.. managed to start winning.. :/

    2. Bot factory stops building if its blocked.. meaning if i built another 2 vehicle and air right beside it, it refuse to build anything..

    3. What is Orbital and deepspace radar structure for? i built it.. and nothing happens..
    of course launching the adv space radar is the best...

    4. Nukes launcher.. how many nukes do i have inside? or there is only 1 at each time?
    no indicator

    5. Units when selected some of them does not show range. if not, does not give details like health or whether it can attack Air land or sea. :)

    6. I realise AI just builds the T2 arty and T2 catapult, it really annoys and eats into my area..

    7. changing resolution eg. from high to med, hangs the game...

    any advice is good :)
  2. ORFJackal

    ORFJackal Active Member

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    1. You can adjust the AI's economy multiplier. Try setting it to 0.5 for a really easy game. But better to learn more: see and especially

    2. The game it work in progress. Leave some room between buildings to help the game's pathfinding.

    3. It lets you see enemy orbital units on the orbit and when they move between planets.

    4. It starts with one. You can build max 3. Zoom closer to see how many are done. Doh, I misread your question to be about anti-nukes.
    Last edited: December 24, 2013
  3. Clopse

    Clopse Post Master General

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    4: For nuke launcher not anti nuke as jackal explained. Yes it only can store one, so the second one will build a soon as you launch the first one. Agree there should be some indicator to show you have one ready to fire.

    5.Press caps lock to see the range of each unit. health i believe is displayed bottom left if you select a singular unit. There is an option in the ui part of settings which can toggle display health to always on. The factory that produces the units explain what they do, from there you need to remember on the battlefield as of now.

    6. Lower the AI difficulty as explained in 1, so that their catapults or artillery are built later, or find ways to destroy them, t2 bombers are quite useful. for this.

    7: Yeah uber had a disclaimer couple of builds ago which said don't change the resolution in game as this may happen. They are aware of it and working on it as shown in last build. Before just going into settings meant that the whole system was regenerated and that hung on certai machines. Now only certain changes like resolution will cause the game to hang.
  4. kennethdeath

    kennethdeath New Member

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    noted. thanks for the good advise.

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