New users and overplayed classes

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by mute, February 16, 2011.

  1. mute

    mute New Member

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    Not trying to start a flame thread, just an observation I've made the past couple weeks..

    Lately there has been a ton (and I mean "holy crap"-alot) of new players using the Support class that just stay in the base and do nothing. I want to play support but I refuse to when there are already 2 to 4 on the same team. Crazy sucks in the pubs because a bad support is like being down a player rather than having a player that can hold a section of the map, which can be vital. Now multiply that by 3 or 4 and you're boned before Go. Also, trying to be a mid-map Support when you've got no heavies around you to support and use as cover = you gunna die. And boy do they love putting their FB's behind the glass in the lower-middle of Steel Peel.

    Before, noobs would always use Assassins or Assaults, but in recent days I've seen so many crappy Supports and Snipers that its mindblowing.. and whats further confusing is that they seem to already have some kind of skill set (for example.. they love gold RoF with the H/H+Passive 3 and never look @ their Shotgun). Are all these players coming from the PC or what? Does that account for the transition of the majority of new users using Support/Snipers instead of Assassins/Assaults? They also don't seem to have any care in the world regarding team balance.. even if theres already 3 assassins, snipers, assaults or supports.. they'll still pick one of those classes, I dont remember it being so drastic till recently.
  2. JackTrips

    JackTrips New Member

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    To paraphrase Matthew McCaughnaaeoraosifj (can't spell it, not looking it up) from the movie 'Dazed and Confused':

    I get more experience, and the noobs stay the same.
  3. mute

    mute New Member

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    I dunno if they stay the same tho, I'd much rather have some noob Assassin or Assaults in the game than a ton of Supports... because even if they go way negative, at least they're still leaving the base and causing some commotion/distraction away from your MB.

    "McConaughey" is definitely a 'i gotta google that spelling' name ;P

    Anyways, just hope it's another phase... `cause, wow.
  4. JackTrips

    JackTrips New Member

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    The worst part about all the clueless players is that I really do think the general skill level has gone up significantly. Unfortunately, this makes the effects of having one or two noobs on your team a much bigger deal.
  5. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    Yeah, the general skill is getting better. I still say the pc general skill is higher (the first time in weeks I had an assassin approach from the front without a lunge-grapple was yesterday, because computer players just seem to play assassin with a bit more intellegence, at least they approach from behind always), but xbox high-level skill is higher because a lot more xbox players understand how to stop assassins and snipers as well.

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