New to this - Why don't I deal any god damn damage?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by saints9r, March 1, 2011.

  1. saints9r

    saints9r New Member

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    Ok so I'm new to this, played like 3-4 games.

    First game went pretty well, went like 8 - 2 or something then it was over. Loved the singleplayer as well. Now I can't seem to damage anyone :S I don't get it, no matter what class I play I barely deal any damage to ANYONE, i get one shotted by any class and die within milliseconds, yet I can stand and just empty my clip three times on an idle person then he turns around shoots me once or twice and I'm dead, wtf? And yes I use my upgrades, it's like this when they are all on 3...

    I don't get it, no matter what I do I can't kill anyone :S The last game I couldn't even damage the bots as a gunner. I emptied my clip and barely scratched it with 1%...

    Edit: Ok like JUST now, When I played support my shotgun did barely ANY damage against evne assassins. Now I was an assassin and a support ONE SHOTTED me with his shotgun

  2. vortexcontinuum

    vortexcontinuum Active Member

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    The default classes are known for being... Kind of ineffective. Read up on some guides to help you out, but this sounds like a lag problem.
  3. saints9r

    saints9r New Member

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    Default classes? There are more classes :S?
    I've only seen the ones I can play? Gunner Assault Sniper Assassin Tank Support
  4. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    Re: New to this - How the **** does it work?


    Have you been using endorsements? Also, as gunner try to use the mortar to kill bot crowds.

    I'm not sure what to say other than, since you are new to this:

    As an assassin you are a bot killing machine with legs: Killing bots, turrets and anything that gets in the way of your bots and turrets is your first priority in this class. Also, get Passive 3 to max first.

    Overheal turrets and hack turrets as a support. Once you are confident with the power of your defenses bring your firebase to the midfield. It will hold off bots and harass pro's. Overheal your teammates and help them if you can.

    As sniper you can hold off bots for a long time if you aim for the head.

    Tanks can wipe out a bot wave in seconds if uninterrupted. Deploying is a no no if you are not well versed with how it should really be used.

    As an Assault use the grenade launcher on the bots. It rocks. The gun is useful for scaring off pros or killing them.
  5. vortexcontinuum

    vortexcontinuum Active Member

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    What I mean is you get custom classes, where you can pick your own endorsements for the six characters. :p
  6. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    What he means by default classes is the non-custom ones. All the ones you see at first.

    Every class, custom or default, has 3 endorsements set: gold, bronze, and silver. A custom class slot (unlocked for $$$ in the locker room) allows you to choose which endorsements you use. Endorsements are buffs to things like armor, rate of fire, clip size, etc.

    The default classes just have their 3 endorsements predefined, and they often don't line up with what people choose in their custom classes.

    As for your problem...

    There are times when players take reduced damage, almost to the point where it seems like they take none. Anyone performing a grapple takes greatly reduced damage. Assassins throwing smoke bombs take greatly reduced damage. Juiced players (covered in glowing wireframes, killing everything) have increased health so may appear to not take damage.

    These situations are all somewhat brief though, and the majority of your encounters won't involve them. If you're not able to damage anything the whole game, you probably have connection issues. Having a REALLY high ping can make you shoot blanks. How high is yours listed in the score screen? Keep in mind that what's listed there is 1/4 of your actual ping, due to a known bug.
  7. saints9r

    saints9r New Member

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    Oh ok ty and everyone else! I don't think it's the lag issue I just think I suck.. somehow :S

    But I mean, are you seriously supposed to die from just 1 shotgun shot as an assassin?
  8. vortexcontinuum

    vortexcontinuum Active Member

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    If you don't have an armor endorsement, dying from one shotgun blast as Assassin is a fairly common occurrence. Basically size= armor, the smaller classes are quite frail.

    (Also, Assassins main way of killing is by grapples)
  9. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    They have no health, its two when you have gold armor.
  10. Rammite

    Rammite New Member

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    If you're the type to read up on strengths, weaknessess, and statistics, try this: ... ht-combat/

    It's a giant table on all the stats on MNC. It's got Weapon's damages, Bot Health, Endorsement stats, literally everything you could ever need to play MNC, excluding the actual tactics.
  11. Raconteur02

    Raconteur02 New Member

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    Weapons are very dependent on range and target for their damage. For example, the Gunner's minigun is largely ineffective against bots and turrets (except the Jackbot, for some reason), but it shreds other Pros. This may be why you're perceiving yourself as dealing no damage.

    Try this the next time you play:

    First, buy a custom class. Then use the Locker Room to build it. Use the Gunner as your base class, then set your endorsements like so:

    Gold - Armor
    Silver - Rate of Fire
    Bronze - Accuracy

    This is a very noob-friendly build. Once you start playing, go like this:

    Skill upgrade order is Passive 2 -> Passive 3 -> Slam 2 -> Grab 2 -> Deploy 2. You can get the rest depending on your tastes.

    When you head out, immediately switch to your mortar launcher. It's a beast when you get Passive 3. Use this mortar launcher and concentrate on killing bots with it. Nearby pros will take splash damage and be held off. Do not use your minigun at a distance against anything unless you're Deployed. It quickly becomes useless outside of medium range. If a Pro gets close to you, switch to the minigun and mow him down, then go back to bots.

    Once you're juiced, get near the entrance of their base, pop it, then use your mortar launcher to destroy all their turrets. Your mortar launcher is the best of the best when it comes to destroying enemy turrets, so do it when you can. But bots are still your first priority.

    Never use your minigun against a turret. Try to avoid using it against bots, but keep in mind that within a certain range your mortar won't split and the minigun then becomes better. Do use it against Jackbots, though, especially while Deployed. Remember that you can absolutely destroy a Firebase at long range with Mortars or Deploy. You'll be using the mortar launcher about 60-70% of the time.

    That's all you have to do, and you can contribute. Keep in mind that the Gunner is not the most powerful bot killer and it will take you some time to drop a group. If a bunch get bunched up, though, you'll be able to splash almost all of them and get huge amounts of juice in the process.

    You should be able to do at least OK with this strategy. The most important part is getting an effective Endorsement build. The default ones leave a lot to be desired.
  12. Decker87

    Decker87 New Member

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    I don't mean this personally, but to some extent you're probably sucking cause you're new. We've all been there. The keys are range and movement.
  13. Skull Man

    Skull Man New Member

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    The issue is likely that you don't realize that damage tends to decay very fast. When you're super close to an enemy, you're powerful, but if you're long-shotting with a non-sniper, damage tends to go way, way down with bullet-weapons.
  14. Myrkabah

    Myrkabah New Member

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    Hey - I played a great couple games with/against you the other night. Just wanted to say good work. :)
  15. s0cks

    s0cks New Member

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    ^ This. For most guns there is a magical "cut-off" point where bullets turn into cooked carrots and do pretty much no damage. This "cut-off" point for most guns is medium-ish range, so in most firefights you want to be pretty darn close to the enemy.

    If playing gunner as Raconteur suggested, ALWAYS make sure you spin up (right mouse button) before taking on enemies with the minigun. For example, if you know an enemy is around the corner, spin up your guns and jump round. This gives you full firing power instantly rather than waiting for you gun to spin up. It can mean the difference between life and death if your taking on another heavy class.

    P.S If spinning up use jump to get around because walking is way too slow.

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