OK, I`m currently downloading the game to give the free weekend trial a shot. At first, this didn`t seem the kind of game I`d like but I watched the video on youtube and found myself chuckling. Two questions: even though I`ve been video gaming since forever, I consider myself average at FPS games. Will I find the game too difficult? Also, I like to solo 90% of the time, and have little interest in PvP. Is there still enough in game that it`s worth me playing?
Its a team game with an objective about taking down an enemy base, so while people CAN carry teams, its less about individual performance and more about teamwork. The focus of the competitive multiplayer mode is definitely about pros vs. pros. The single player is basically a coop tower defense.
Welcome new guy! First off I'd like to say thanks for stopping by the forum. If you have anyone else that's interested tell them to come here as building a working strategy for each class can be daunting. That and new people like you are a precious unsullied resource. We don't want you to become the kind of scrub that doesn't want to take advice. Now, this game is AWESOME. The ingame dialog is hilarious and never gets old. Now there are a few things you need to learn before you proceed. The reason its good that you came here is because the roles of the classes are different from what you might expect them to be. This game pays tribute to TF2 but it is not TF2. Hop on over to the strategy forum and check out some tips for the individual classes. They will help you a whole hell better than any one post. Also look up some gameplay videos as there are some video guides. There are trolls and whiners that will hop on this thread as a reason to scare off newbies. Ignore them. Though this game does need some improvements in its Chatbox/Voice Chat/UI its far from ruined. Uber Entertainment is short staffed but they listen deeply and have plans for this game and we love them for it. Any specific questions/class tips?
Ugh, quick network crash tossed my wordier original response... You have come to the right place! Basically, MNC puts knowledge and tactics above twitch skills from other shooters. By reading a guide or two in the strategy and tactics forum will put even an below-average fps player at an advantage against fps fans who jump in withot research. If you think you're really outclassed, try the Support. He relies very little on aim and is a great class to learn the ropes with. As for the second question, most players will tell you that although the single-player portion of the game is fun (and recommended for new players to learn the basics), the deepest, most satisfying, and most fun gameplay is found in the Crossfire (PvP) mode. The Support and Assassin classes, however, are playable in Crossfire with little enemy interaction, if you wish. If playing with a team, as opposed to against one is your problem, however, MNC may not be the game for you. Teamwork is vital as none but the best of players will find themselves able to carry a team. As a last note, if you like the game, please please please tell your friends about it. We are always in need of new players, and everyone on my (and many others, I'm sure) friends list owns the game or is tired of hearing me rant about how much I love it. Sincerely, azure
the shooting part won't be difficult to you at all as this game, shooting wise, is relatively easy to get a hang of! that's my case lol
Welcome to the game! One thing I'd suggest is to get to know the playstyle/strategy of a certain class before going into crossfire. This game has a medium-high learning curve and can be frustrating if you start off in the multiplayer mode. jAstro
Going to sound assholish, but if you consider yourself an average FPS gamer you are probably already above about 75% of the playerbase. You should be fine. Additionally it's a PvP game. No matter what you're going to have to fight other players often, there's very few times where you can freely push bot lanes without interference. EDIT: Unless you solely play Blitz.
Kill bots. Kill lots and lots of bots. Stay alive and kill the bots, keep the lane pushed, build turrets, and you'll be the backbone of your team in pubs while learning the ropes of the game. I'd suggest starting out as Assault as it's one of the most well rounded classes. Once you are more familiar with the game you can try spending less money on turrets and more on your own skills, focusing more on killing enemy players and playing offensively rather than purely on maiming bot lanes and establishing good defenses. But always kill the bots dammit. Also, level 1 turrets are free kills when exposed to the slightest breeze of aggression from the enemy. I'd suggest concentrating on getting a handful of level 2 towers rather than a base loaded with level 1's. And don't build lazer blazers, and don't underestimate Shavices. Shavices + rokkits, all at least level 2 = damn good defense in a pub setting. Level 3 on all of them (esp with support...supporting them, via hack and overheal) is just overkill to the extreme. edit: Lazer Blazers are only good if you're basically the only guy on your team worth any money and you need to quickly erect base defenses to keep one lane pushed while you go and push the other lane back, if you're essentially playing 1 man defense while everyone on your team ignores bots and only upgrading their skills (ie infuriating noobs).
Last night I was in a few games where ALL PLAYERS DID was kill bots...they barely touched pros. You should play with a sensible balance between bot and pro killing.
Kill bots. Kill lots and lots of bots. Kill enemies that kill your bots. Don't go out the way chasing an enemy to the far corner of the map. Also, tank and assault have best default class setups. When you get custom class, pick up a guide and learn a class you like well.
I was a bit overwhelmed with the game at first, but after a few hours of play, all of the little intricacies start to come together, and everything is second nature at this point. So yeah, don't let it be discouraging if there seems to be a ton of random crap thrown at you, haha. It eventually makes since, and the playstyle of each character is easy enough to figure out within an hour or so. For your second question, this is primarily an online game. So if by "enjoying solo'ing" you mean the single-player experience, well - I couldn't see you putting too much time into that in all honesty. The multiplayer on the other hand is as addicting as any other shooter on the market, if not more imo...