Should Uber make a new subforum for seeds & planet generation? It might be a good idea but I'm not sure enough people would be interested enough to make it worthwhile.
No. This is pointless until Uber decide that planet generator is "stable". PS: And yeah I'm interested in such sub forum or catalogue, but not for now.
You already had it
Granted. I do like the darker palette though. Looks a bit more like volcanic ashand rock, rather than mud-rock. Perhaps that might be simple enough for even me to mod. Also I would like this subforum, so I voted 'Yes'. But perhaps once planet sharing and generation is a bit better.
Eh, we probably have too many subforums as is. I just thought this was a nice inconspicuous place to dump that image as I happened across it today. For what it's worth, I much prefer that lava biome to what we have now, but I can see why they adapted it in favour of what we have now.
Thing is with that lava biome I would prefer just to have those terrain features, with the lava looking like that minus all the "noise" with regards to all those little stones? (what it looks like) and with smaller impassable bridges in the lava lakes. That would solve the pathing issues unless they made actual bridges for units.
According to Uber's Fan Sites page, the Official Wiki Partner is Gamepedia by Curse Gaming, but hasn't looked very active the few times I've looked at it. Putting changes on 30-day window shows edits on 12 of those days, so it is getting some updates.
Burrito changed his profile pic to something that looks cool but doesn't have burritos in it. brain = confused On the other hand, I'd say meh. I won't complain if there is a subforum for that, I don't necessarily want it badly. Although... I'll have another thought about this later.
Wow, I'd play the hell out of that planet. Reminds me of the close quarters maps in TA where the whole damned thing was chokepoint hell.