I've spent a good hour and a half on this one instead my usual 10 minute one. I've put 2 borders on them but I'm not sure if I should stick with traditional rounded edges or try a splat. http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/6210 ... border.jpg http://img530.imageshack.us/img530/1854 ... ssplat.jpg Opinions please
Re: My Actually Decent Signature (not set) Ha, that's the same photoshop blur effect I learned in basic digi photo a long way back.
Re: My Actually Decent Signature (not set) I'm using Paint.net since I can't get used to Photoshop so it's just different layers and opacity settings. But you reminded me I needed to blur the edges so my bad cropping isn't so obvious
Re: My Actually Decent Signature (not set) Don't think paint has that one actually I just use zoom blurs. The stuff I do is like remixing stuff. I love doing this one http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/t ... onversion/ Anyways I tried to resize it but it was too small. Oh well, anyways at least I got it centered.