Whenever the player known as "Zatchmo" is playing as a Sniper, any and all opposing Assaults may not upgrade past bomb level 1. The skill is to remain at level 1 until the match is complete and Zatchmo's team has claimed victory. Any Assault caught using bomb level 2 or 3, will cause an immediate disqualification for their team. Thank you.
1 more rule. A player called "Zatchmo" can't use Sniper rifle and ice traps. He can only use SMG and Flak. Thanks.
Also, this must be incorporated at least 3 times per game http://www.uberent.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=12808
I think we can reach an ultimatum here. Whenever the player known as "Wildman_X2k" is playing as a Gunner, any and all opposing Snipers may not headshot Wildman or team-mates for any reason whatsoever. Any Sniper caught headshotting will cause an immediate disqualification for their team. Do we have a deal?
Gnarly. Just to make it clear to everyone, if any sniper headshots anyone on my team, then the sniper's team is disqualified. Adding to tourney rules. Suck it.
ohh yay my turn to add a new rule eh hem, if "DesertFalcoN" throws an airstrike the enemy team MUST run into it no matter what"