1. MLGIntervention

    MLGIntervention Active Member

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    I have been seeing a lot of new people come to the forums and they complain about getting stomped. Send me a Friend request and we can play some. GT: MLGIntervention
    I really wont people to keep playing but they just keep getting stomped on i hope to change this.
  2. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

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    I feel bad when I see a lv0 going 2-25.
  3. Foolamancer

    Foolamancer Member

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    I feel worse when I see a level 0 going 25-2.
  4. KemicalEnigma

    KemicalEnigma New Member

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    I feel super bad when I see levels below 10 dashboarding after getting stomped and going to play Black Ops or something.
  5. truckus

    truckus New Member

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    LOL IT's XENO :lol:

    I mostly play alone and just hope I wind up in a game of even teams. I don't enjoy being on a team of all-stars against a team of relatively new players. I used to like stomping, but after seeing that I can hold my own and win at least 1/2 the time when the teams are stacked AGAINST me I prefer playing games that are as even as possible.

    Don't get me wrong, stomping still feels better than getting stomped, but at least in a game where the other team really makes me work for it I'm prouder of getting the win and thankful for 15 minutes of stimulation rather than "oh I see you there, bang bang, haha I take large steps".

    without intending to hijack this thread...since we're on the topic of new players, anyone notice an increase in the # of new assaults that chase you all the way into your spawn just to get that one last shot in on you after trying to escape from a situation where you over-extended yourself? Soo annoying :shock:

    Idk, I'm just not used to good, experienced players doing that too often.
  6. Swamp Tony

    Swamp Tony New Member

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    the more we make it about the ball, the better off the community will be. Some players will just go 50-0-0 every time whether their team wins or loses. I don't play with those players.
  7. Dagoth Wit

    Dagoth Wit New Member

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    Amen to that
  8. Pothocket

    Pothocket New Member

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    That's just poor players, period, regardless of experience. I'm always yelling, "leave me alone! You have more important things to be doing for your team!". What the noob assaults do, and is even more annoying, is shoot at you regardless of how far away they are. They're not getting the whole damage drop off thing.

    So I'm mortaring turrets and keeping an eye on that tank that doesn't notice me because as soon as he comes within in range I'm about to open up on him with the minis, oh yeah, and i'm going to mortar those bots as soon as the turret's down while I make my way to that ejector because I might need it by the time I get there...but what's this? Some idiot assault from across the map has nothing better to do than prevent me from healing. Freaking wow.
  9. hullcrushdepth

    hullcrushdepth New Member

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    I just got this game today and couldn't find an online game. Only lv 3 at the moment, am continuing to gain levels in single player and want to play online games

    add: hullcrushdeath
  10. Flawed

    Flawed New Member

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    I'm all for helping the new players on this forum, but the people who are really going to get stomped are the people who don't come to this forum and thus haven't read any of our niffty guides, so I try to find ways to not stomp so much myself. I never play in big parties but also...

    I've prestiged once and I'm level 40. I've played assassin 99% of the time, so I've started playing new classes/builds, when I feel the teams are uneven in my favor. I'm NOWHERE near as good with any other class as I am with assassin so that's got to cut the stomping down a bit.
  11. Pothocket

    Pothocket New Member

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    This isn't a brag topic.
  12. hullcrushdepth

    hullcrushdepth New Member

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    I've had a really great time playing this game in the last 24 hours. Around 3-6pm Sunday (Melbourne time) I couldn't find a game at all, and was really disappointed, but it picked up a bit in the evening and I eventually found an online game.

    In the first game I played an assault and got smashed and our team lost. Next couple of games I played support because in the first game it didn't seem like anyone was really interested in defending the base. I really enjoyed the multitasking involved in staying behind, securing the base with turrets then prowling about shot gunning down assassins who had made it past our front line or helping add that little extra firepower/healing support the main group to turn the tide of battle.

    Again, add me (ID: hullcrushdeath) if you want a game. Should mention I live in Melbourne, Australia for timezones (GMT+10)
  13. truckus

    truckus New Member

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    I try and do the same. I am absolute garbage with Tank and Gunner. So when I wind up in a really uneven game in my favor, I use it as an opportunity to practice movement and map placement as Gunner. Don't get me wrong, I'm not good enough to not try in whatever game I'm in. I just try less when I feel less threatened about being able to goof off in a game.

    Hullcrush, what is your NAT setting? Strict settings could make it hard to find a lobby to connect to. Other than that I'd have to say it's the distance between you and the host since most games are hosted out of the US.
  14. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    hotpocket, why do you even stay around this game? go back to TF2 if all you can do about this game is complain. i swear to god i might as well surgically attach my hand to my face for as hard as you make me facepalm sometimes.
  15. iX Torment

    iX Torment New Member

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    thanks for the sig
  16. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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  17. Pothocket

    Pothocket New Member

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    I got a better idea. How about you stop looking for an excuse to complain about every post I make, eh? Go back and read the exchange. Someone else was complaining about noob assaults and asked a question, I responded with my own thoughts on the subject. There is literally nothing there to facepalm about unless you're actually looking for an excuse to facepalm.

    Please stop stalking me, I have enough of those already.
  18. UpperFungus

    UpperFungus New Member

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    Good to see a thread supporting new players. I began playing last night. I was a little hesitant considering most players are probably well established pros by now. Anyway, whenever I start playing a game I usually become fairly active in the forums. So be patient with the new guy(s). I'm sure I'll be on the receiving end of quite a few stompings for a while. However, with 2 whole matches under my belt, I'm happy to say I'm 1-1 so far.

  19. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    unless im mistaken, this is the first comment i have ever made in regards to your negative attitude towards the game. but if it makes you feel any better, im TOTALLY watching your post count and waiting for every new post as if it were an opportunity to take a picture of you and tag it to the wall with a deep red kiss mark on the corner.
  20. spookyspectre11

    spookyspectre11 New Member

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    on the topic of assaults chasing people all the way to their spawn...isnt that their job, i mean it prevents enemy juicing, backs them up for your team to continue pushing...i actually want THOSE assaults in my team. i consider them the janitor of the team, clean up the enemy pros, longside his buddy gunner whilst i move our bots to the enemy ball. though i do hate being chased allllll the way back to the start, but hey, thas the game, it means my slayers f***ed up.

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