Will we have something like this lobby on PA. Themes are created by me, but the original FA(F) theme also very good. I think it would be to everyone's liking, having ower chat for all players, so we can talk openly, with rules of proper conduct off the correct language. I think soon is time to think about it, and iff Uber not have time, why not moders helping in this aspect? A chat to we all talk ,to all see and use it. A chat for all players, another to cast games that are play like livereplay, other to the games and maps that are be played, another just to mods, other ower edited planets ,another for replays. Think it will be good for everyone. This is just an exemple:
that would be sooooooooo good FAF is such a sociological and communal success, any multiplayer game would have everything to learn from it, especialy in the case where said game is an RTS. how can you get +200,000 players to be in harmony? god only knows.... ...well him and faf
yeah let´s push other rather minor stuff before coregameplay is fully implemented and at least somewhat balanced and optimised ...
What part off ( I think soon is time to think about it, and iff Uber not have time, why not moders helping in this aspect?) something that confuse you?