New gamemode suggestion

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by Kruptos, September 8, 2013.

  1. Kruptos

    Kruptos Active Member

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    So I thought what could be a good alternative to the annihilation gamemode... and I came up with PLANETARY ANNIHILATION™! Basically a gamemode where your objective is to, well, annihilate planets. Destroying planets earns you points, small ones 1 point, mediums sized 2 points and large 3 points for example. Game ends when all planets are annihilated, time runs out or one player/team gets over 50% of available points.

    I think this mode would sift the focus from player versus player war to a "capture the flag" sort of scenario where the players would race to tear the solar system asunder. In this gamemode player versus player warfare would only serve to slow down your opponent from getting those asteroid bombs built.

    I don't think this gamemode would be viable for the competitive scene but I think it would be a fun alternative to standard annihilation and it would showcase the graphically best aspects of this game, blowing planets up. I think it would be cheap to make with the existing tools, but I am no game developer so I wouldn't really know.

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