1. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    out of curiosity, have you guys (devs) considered adding new classes?
  2. X tweaker IGC

    X tweaker IGC New Member

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    Sadly its to late for that. Even know i would die for a semi auto rifle class :D
  3. xknight2099

    xknight2099 Member

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    Maybe a class with bazooka as primary and secondary pistol ( or 2)

    Skills and roll is the tricky part as the other classes seem to cover all the archetypes ...

    Maybe some sort of engineer?

    Maybe he could alter bot lanes or create paths and/ or jump pads?

    Maybe his passive makesturrets cheaper to buy or maybe he can make some mystery 5th type of turret?

    Or you could have a. Joker type class that gets random skills from other pros
  4. xknight2099

    xknight2099 Member

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    Oh for the engineer maybe some kind of deployable shield or moveable one like the Mage had in LOTR conquest?

    In that the Mage would put it up and walk around with it by holding a button. While up he moved slower and his skills would not regen. The shield couldn't be shot through but could be walked through so he was really vulnerable to assassins .

    Maybe he has a tazer as a weapon.
  5. The Broken Ace

    The Broken Ace New Member

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    1, they have a class with a bazooka, in fact, they have two. They are the Assault/Gunner (Grenade Launcher/Mortar).
    2, already have an engineer, it's called a Support.
    3, if you create jump pads, that is begging for people to go use them to get to the highest area like in Steel Peel and camp.
    4, if you have a 'Joker' class, why not choose whatever class you were in the first place? Why choose a Joker class to get whatever Skills you need, because the only reason you would need those skills is to promote camping. That would result in the Support's Firebase, Assault's Charge, and the Tank's Grenade all on one character, and that person sitting by his Firebase and hiding behind it. If anyone got too close, he would Charge them, and hit them with a Product Grenade if running away.
    And finally, 5, this should be in another forum, not the tips and strategies.
  6. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    lol i think he was talking about it giving you a randomly selected set of skills. which you had no control over. you would either get the tall or short end of the stick. nothing like getting flak, deploy, and gunner grapple (useless combo)

    an yes, tom really shouldnt have posted it here, as it clearly goes in wishlist. why does everyone post things already posted before, just in every other section.
  7. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    im not asking for new classes, nor am i telling anyone to promote their idea of new classes. i was simply asking the devs if this is something they considered.
    therefore, i am not wishing for anything, other than an answer.
    that being said, i have no idea how on earth this was made here, it was intended for the general.
  8. Grec

    Grec New Member

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    Maybe as DLC. I like that idea, DLC classes. Or maybe just extra equipment.
  9. xknight2099

    xknight2099 Member

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    Oops guess missunderstood

    And yeah you would get random skills.

    Bazooka is not the same as mortar and grenade launcher. It would be high damage no arc slow reload unless it was an RPG.

    I was just trying to think of what other classes would do since the 6 we have seem to cover everything.
  10. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    I kinda want a half gun half melee character. Maybe two submachine guns and a machete?

    Really high risk, really high reward.
  11. lDeadEye

    lDeadEye New Member

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    ....The assassin?
  12. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    An effective gun. :D

    But this is a good idea. Half the skills help your gun abilities and half help your melee. Not as scary as Assassin in melee range and not as good as a Gunner with their guns. Just halfway between.

    I guess Assault is kinda already that way with their charge and assault rifle, though.
  13. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    I was thinking more along the lines of a mix between assault and Assassin. Assault is accurate and strategic, assassin is a patient melee class. I was thinking run-and-gun and Rambo.

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