New Class: Barrier

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Wishlist' started by lllp3lll, December 29, 2010.

  1. lllp3lll

    lllp3lll New Member

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    Change list:

    • 2010
    • Charge gun has been modifed into a rapid fire gun with the option to increase the power of its shots.

    • Air Mines switched to Deloyable shields.
    • Information reguarding the Forcefields damage multipliers
    • The charge's role and purpose
    • The barrier's role and purpose


    Uploaded with

    Above average speed
    Low jump height
    No jet pack
    Low health



    Primary Weapon: Charge Gun


    Secondary Weapon: Revolver
    Magazine Size: 6 Shots
    Range: Mid Range
    Rate of Fire: Medium
    Crosshair: Small circle
    Reload: Sluggish
    Damage: 70hp per shot

    Primary fire:
    semi-automatic shots

    Alternate Fire: Pistol whip grapple, none launcher.


    lvl2: Increases walking speed, 33% decrease on charge guns cooldown
    Lvl3: Forcefield damage provides juice gain. (A Forcefield from full to broken would equal 30% juice.)

    Blue: Forcefield
    Very slow recovery time, recharges while in use.
    The Forcefield shirks with damage taken until it breaks.
    Pros can enter the Forcefield, with it only rejecting projectiles.
    A weaken Forcefield can be resorted to full with another application of the skill once recharged.
    Applying the Forcefield makes Barrier jump and perform a quick spin giving her a brief period of inactivity.
    Jackbot slams, gunner slams, hazards and all charges break full health Forcefields.
    The Forcefield takes extra damage from melee attacks and less damage from explosive attacks.

    lvl2: Increases the hp of Forcefield, decreases the charge time.
    Lvl3: Auto shatters (slams etc) are negated. (Yet remove 75% of the Forcefields health) Increases the max size of the Forcefield. (An addition 25% health)
    Yellow: Deloyable Sheilds
    Red: Charge
    Fast recovery time.
    A charge skill similar to the tanks and assaults. GTFO move.
    Base damage: 30hp

    lvl2: Increases the distance travelled, decreases the charge time.
    Lvl3: Increases capacity to 2 charges.

    A mid arena class, controlling enemy Pros entering the base, especially juiced ones. From the middle of the arena she can charge back to her own base to protect the money ball or back up her team to push into theirs. Poor at handling bots outside of her charged shot which fires too infrequently to be classed as effective bot control. Her charge gives added mobility and a tool to stun juiced Pros, the Forcefield gives additional survivability against juice rushers.
    • Excllent at protecting other Pro's
    • Great against juice rushers

    Default Endorsements (Speedy scout)
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    *Overtime? Moneyball being sniped? Stand in front of your moneyball with your Forcefield active, it will take the damage and if breaks should give you enough for juice.

    *Place Air Mines behind walls where Pros like to Airwalk, theyll be met with a nasty surprise when trying to sneak into your base.


    Glass Cannon
    Kill a Barrier while deploying their Forcefield

    Kill a Pro with a charge shots splash damage

    Law enforcer
    Kill 10 Pros with the Revolver

    Dont make them like they use to
    Destroy a Forcefield with a (slam/charge/hazard/melee)

    Seemed like fun everyone creating brand new classes hope you guys can invison the character I was trying to make. Well aware Uber won't add any new players to MNC (untill a real game release ;) ) This is more fanart than anything.
    Last edited: January 4, 2011
  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    probably one of the more interesting class suggestions i have seen. a lot of work put into the production of it as well, you at least get an a for effort.
  3. Ironheart

    Ironheart New Member

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    I actually like it.

    MNC could definitely use some more females in the mix.

    I think the Charge Gun would work better with a long ammo bar than just four shots, think kinda like the plasma pistol in Halo - weak semi-auto primary, hold down to waste the clip and do a stronger shot.
    I don't approve of an OHKO on it though. Unless the projectile is like a really, really slow and huge ball that just floats forward.

    Where'd you get the artwork for this? Specifically the second chick, with lineart.
  4. lllp3lll

    lllp3lll New Member

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    If your gona do somthing, do it right ;)

    I was thinking more of a spartan lazer, an all or nothing omega beam with AOE damage but a large cool down. As an althenative to precision shots.

    But I like the idea of a long clip draining with use.

    A little unknown game by Capcom. "Gotcha force"
  5. Ironheart

    Ironheart New Member

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    Well, the spartan laser is supposed to be a superweapon - it only spawns ever so often, has limited ammo and you have to beat others to the punch.

    Trying to balance it's concept into a mundane weapon would rid it of it's charm, I think.
  6. lllp3lll

    lllp3lll New Member

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    Hmm you have a point,

    Primary Weapon: Charge Gun
    Magazine Size: 8 uncharged shots (3 charged)
    Range: Long Range
    Rate of Fire: Slow-Med
    Crosshair: Medium oval
    Uncharged: 45hp
    Charged hit: 70hp

    (Charged shot depletes 2.5)
  7. Jraw20

    Jraw20 New Member

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    All I have to say is "Holy ****". I would LOVE this class. Especially how you called the charge the "GTFO move". I laughed :D
  8. Ironheart

    Ironheart New Member

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    Lemme just define my idea of it:

    • ~20 ammo per mag.
    • 1 ammo per normal shot.
    • High accuracy, but slow projectiles (think Shuriken launcher lite).
    • Full auto fire
    • Moderate fire rate (~7s of sustained fire to empty the entire magazine)
    • Fast reload.

    • There's 2 charge stages, medium and full - each takes 2s of holding to charge, increases ammo cost by 4 and damage accordingly.
    • So damage goes like 10 per normal shot, 40 for the first charge, 80 for full.

    • Pressing altfire charges the shot.
    • There's two bars on the ui, where ammo is. When the first bar fills up, you get lv1 charge, when both it's lv2 charge.
    • When you next press primary fire, the charge gets reset. If sufficent charge level is reached, your first shot will be changed to match the charge.
    • Uncharged shots are small projectiles, similar to the shuriken launcher.
    • Lv1 charge is hitscan, but does not penetrate targets.
    • Lv2 is again a projectile, but this time larger and with a small aoe.

    So, you get two fully charged shots per clip and some extra ammo.
    This way the gun's playstyle would be: charge up beforehand, frontload some damage on your foe and then follow up with full-auto uncharged fire to finish them.

    Fire rate endorsements would increase the rate at which the altfire charges.

    Second charge level could be locked and only made available by Lv3 passive.

    On the shield:
    • It's a horizontally elongated rectangle.
    • Spawned a little in front of the player. Stationary.
    • Blocks enemy projectiles. Enemies can walk through it freely though, allies can shoot through it.
    • As it absorbs damage, it shrinks toward the middle.
    • That way, a viable tactic to get around it would be to shoot it a little, then aim either below or above it.
    • Multiple charges per skill level. At 1 it takes the entire bar to place it, at 2 it's 70%, at 3 it's 50%.
    • Around 40s for a full recharge, or 1 barrier every 20s.

    You know, I think this idea deserves to be implemented.
    We've got a unique and interesting mechanic for the primary weapon and a class-defining skill here.
    Plus, as I said before, I think MNC could really use another chick on it's roster.
    'sall rock-solid and grounds yet uncovered by other classes.
  9. Magikarp

    Magikarp New Member

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    Magikarp protag is boss.
  10. Richy Woo

    Richy Woo New Member

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    Not a big fan of the floating mines its to similar to the snipers, but apart from that , this class is Awesome, nice work lllp3lll.

    I hope the Developers have noticed many of the new class suggestions revolve around Personal Force fields, Deployable Force walls and Weaponry Shields. There is a lot of player interest in this idea.
  11. lllp3lll

    lllp3lll New Member

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    its sort of like how:
    tank and gunner both have deploy
    tank and assault both have charge skills
    sniper and gunner both have grapple skills

    The classes share simliar aspects with each other which i think should be minic'd in future classes. I also hope the developers notice :lol:

    Love the suggestion for the charge gun Ironheart, quoted you for your input. This is an open topic, every1 is free to submit any idea's. Maybe the forum can build the perfect sheild/defender class.

    As for your deployable shield idea, im not sold on it. It sounds more like a sandbag fortress (temp cover). Being stationary would mean you would have to stand behind it for any real benifit and even then it sounds like it would be a better tool for a sniper or firebase to hid behind. (Sounds campy)

    But it would make for a good Y skill (map control)

    I was thinking more of a powerup ability, like the assasins invisibility only effectting her self.

    My idea

  12. lllp3lll

    lllp3lll New Member

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    "Splash" move is underrated :lol:
  13. Ironheart

    Ironheart New Member

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    It's not just Firebase and snipers, think of Deploy.
    That and it's campiness can be offset by limited duration.

    What makes it different from a plain health increase, aside from visuals?

    I think this image would be more appropriate.
    Last edited: December 30, 2010
  14. Richy Woo

    Richy Woo New Member

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    I get what your saying my friend, Maybe i should of been more specific. Standing Still , Running and Beating People up are things everybody self respecting pro should be able to do, i dont mind those skills being shared by classes.

    I hope the developers keep certain pro skills as unique to their class. I enjoy the diversity in this game and the fact that each class has a specific role.
  15. lllp3lll

    lllp3lll New Member

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    I see what your saying. The sniper's freeze trap is more of a specialist class skill and should only be shared by the sniper. I was thinking the air mines would be more visual and obvious. More of a "Beware of dog" sign on the front of someones garden than a surprize "pitfall" should you walk in clumsily.

    But Ironheart's Sheild drop idea does sound better.

    Its damage multipliers. The forcefield would take less damage when hit by certain things than if they were to hit a pro directly.

    An in game example would be a firebase's armour vs normal turret (such as a lazer blazer).

    An assualts machine gun can rip though a firebase rather quickly. But it takes less damage from his grenade launcher.
    A lazer blazer takes more damage from his grenade launcher. But less damage from his rifle.

    It would be like specialized health.

    [||||||||||] I'm a tank I can take 4 railgun shots

    [||||||||||] I'm a Barrier, my blue Forcefield can take 4 railgun shots despite it being equal to half the health of the tank (2 railgun shots). And my Pro health (red) can take 2 railgun shots

    And on the reverse
    [||||||||||] I'm a tank I can take 10 melee hits

    [||||||||||] I'm a Barrier, my blue Forcefield can take 1 melee hit . And my Pro health (red) can take 5 melee hits

    These numbers are completely made up

    Yea I was also thinking of a bubble or dome with the Player acting as the center. So as they walk around the bubble moves with them keeping them within the middle. Like Link's Nayru love from Zelda Ocarina Of Time
  16. mute

    mute New Member

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    From the descriptions I've read.. his Shield would be similar to Deploy, but you aren't stuck in place (damage=juice gained). Except, your shield starts to break up as it takes more damage and you dont take any damage directly until the shield is gone. I think its a wicked idea and the example image above is what I was thinking of exactly when I read the original description... also, it could lead to some seriously cool looking visuals.

    The one problem I see with this ability is when it would be used while the class is Juiced. You wouldn't be able to kill the pro...
  17. lllp3lll

    lllp3lll New Member

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    Hmm I think it would come down to juice negating the Forcefield just like it negates the assasins invisibility. While juiced she should be as weak as a juiced assasin due to her low base hp, and the increased skill regen affect of juice would recharge her Forcefield skill (which she would throw away for increased attack) for after when juice wears off.

    High attack, low hp

    Good defence, average attack
  18. AtomGone

    AtomGone New Member

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    I like it for the most part, but at the same time, it just feels too, I dunno, "ill defined" I guess for MNC.

    Every other class in the game is an obvious role as well as a class, this is a role that's not as well defined.

    You know what, I think it's the charge attack that's bothering me. . .

    Change that out with a an ability to teleport with an ally - basically you see an ally within range and you can switch positions with them. This allows for the class to become a Bodyguard class - a protector. You see someone being grappled or about to, and switch with them and turn on your shield and Boom ally saved!

    It could be tricky though, since not everyone would want to be switched and would have to be tweaked to prevent griefing (i.e. jumping off a cliff then switching with an ally).

    That's what this class should be, not Barrier or "wall" but Bodyguard or "Knight". That's a way better classical game role if you ask me.

    Other than that, it's a really strong concept for a class.
  19. lllp3lll

    lllp3lll New Member

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    Glad to see we're on the same wavelenght. The charge is meant to be used as a movement tool to get to your allies and save their butts. I think its safer to call it a thruster dash than a charge, since multiple can be performed back to back. I amit its not the most orignal skill (2 other classes share it) nor is it specilized for defence.

    I'm interested in this teleport idea, not sure why you would swap places when being by their side would migrate the damage to your forcefield (indeed making her a bodyguard). But I really think you've hit the nail on the head.

    Have you got any ideas of how it would work?
    Such as the range and operation?
  20. AtomGone

    AtomGone New Member

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    Well I didn't give it too much thought initially, but OK let's work this out.

    It's mapped to the B button as with the Assault's Charge, and the Tank's Jet Rush. Maybe it's some sort of device or gun that the Barrier/Bodyguard carries and shoots, or a device on her head, like goggles or something, I dunno, but she has to aim it a bit in the animation. As for the effect, I imagine a sort of tube of light enveloping the character and the target and looking like a satellite laser strike from Akira (but smaller).

    The thing is, any standard teleport in MNC would probably be too powerful a move so the thing has to work on the idea of Matter Transference. It has to target something to function for a gameplay reason because the idea of "taking a bullet" for a team mate is hard to accomplish in a game like MNC since characters move so damn fast and loose most of the time (even the big guys are floaty once in the air). If you just moved next to a team mate and put up a shield, the team mate could still move around and get themselves killed. This trade/swap teleport moves the ally out of harm's way, but has the effect of moving you into the space the ally was occupying and thus into danger, sort of like when a bodyguard dives into a bullet aimed at the president in any movie about this.

    This would serve a few purposes.

    A) More unique than another dash.
    B) More in theme with the character concept (super high tech seems to be this character's thing).
    C) Alternate form of protection to a shield - one blocks damage, the other "dodges".
    D) Also on that note, it's another defensive move to use when the shield is on it's cool down, and the two can be used alternatively fairly often.
    E) It's also got interesting offensive capabilities (which I'll get to).

    As for levels and use, here ya go:

    Rank 1- Range on teleport is about the same as the Assault's level 2 Charge as in, a fair distance but still short range. Upon using it, the Barrier/Bodyguard suffers from a brief teleportation "sickness" which act's as a brief stun (can't move). The animation that plays is of the Barrier/Bodyguard dizzy from the experience of switching places instantaneously and lasts about a second (maybe 1.5 seconds). This delay helps solidify the "taking a bullet" idea, since the character can't put up their shield or do anything in this time, and could die as a result if used in bad judgment.

    Rank 2 - Range on Teleport increased by 50%, so now it has rather decent range. Additionally the after teleport stun is reduced significantly.

    Rank 3 - Range is increased again, so it is now double the original distance, and the stun is reduced yet again, perhaps gone completely.

    Other things to note:

    Well I'm not sure if there should be targeting restrictions or not. Obviously the main idea is to target players on your team, but the ability get's a lot more offensively minded if you can target enemies as well. Especially if you can "Give" the stun to the enemies at the highest rank. Perhaps this unlocks at level 3?

    The other thing, does it work on bots? I dunno. Maybe only Jackbots. Other bots are perhaps too large or two small, and could lead to issues, but Jackbots are roughly the size of the various pros. Maybe again, this unlocks at level 2?

    Also, can the ability be used in the air? I'd say yes, but if it does and it's used on an enemy, the enemy should at least get a jump afterwards. This is to prevent too many people jumping off the side of the arena and then swapping with an enemy to get a ring out (though this seems like it would be difficult to do so maybe it should be allowed and be a very advanced technique of the ability).

    And there ya go! An interesting new ability that has primarily defensive, but also some offensive capability and movement applications

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