Put a bomb on the enemy door you wish to spawn lol Stand infront of the door with the bomb and taunt Make sure you have armor 3 so you can live to lol Again taunt and explode the second you see damage or a friend tells you to push the bomb You will explode as a stiff taunter and land somewhere you might not want to be It looks incredibly funny and some of you who have played with me saw this in action
I do something similair as an assault. e.g 1. Kill someone 2. Throw bomb in safe space (e.g LazerRazer top right walkway) 3. Turn so your back is facing the jump-pads up to you 4. Grenade launcher taunt. You should be able to see if anyone is coming behind you 5. Activate bomb if someone tries to kill you. 6. They fly off the edge of the map. 7. If your lucky you can throw the bomb behind you again and taunt that kill 8. Repeat step 5 Flying whilst taunting does sound pretty funny though, i'll try to do this in a pm! :lol: