Neutral King of the Hill gametype

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Wishlist' started by Blue Jess, January 5, 2011.

  1. Blue Jess

    Blue Jess New Member

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    Sorry if something similar or exactly like this has been proposed before but i'm not checking 28 pages to see if this has been wished before :lol:

    I think some sort of king of the hill game type would be interesting, where pro's are battling to control a hill that would be slapped right ontop of the annihilator button (with hill size depending on the map ofcourse). Since the objective isn't to storm through to the other teams money ball but to hold down the middle of the map the base turrets might as well be invincible level 3 rockits or something.

    I've not given this much thought, so I haven't made any decisions whether there should be juice, bot's or hazards in this mode (hazards and grenade III's hill will probably be seen as a cheap combination).

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