This thread blows. If you are going to troll someone at least be good enough at it to grab their attention, and if you are serious about nerfing the Gunner, give some good reasons why you think this way, other than getting your *** handed to you.
I agree that Gunner is one of the easier classes to pick up and play.......but there is a lot of mastery to playing a great gunner. Knowing where and when to use his skills is the most difficult portion. Plus the gunner comes with a number of drawbacks such as:huge reload time, huge hitbox, huge move penalty (while shooting) are enough to make sure the gunner is not an unstoppable killer.
True there are many players who are good with the gunner and use some skill. I got a friend to buy mnc and told him to use the gunner. His first try he went 23-4 now that's dumb I don't rember if we were playing vs some scubs but the gunner is just a power house best class for kills.
If you play against a team, the gunner is the hardest class to use. I'm pretty sure you play assault and sniper, which are 2 of the easiest.
I play assault and gunner. Gunner isn't hard to use when your alone i use it mostly when im alone it keeps me going positive without a team to back me up.
that doesnt mean much once you realize the purpose of the game isnt about kills. AND the gunner has quite a few counters. assassins, snipers, and assaults all are at least a halfway counter to gunners.
With proper positioning a gunner can indeed mop up kills, especially when working with a team. The best way to not get killed by a gunner is staying out of the front of his mini-gun. This sounds simple enough but I have lost count of the people running around in the open with low health that I have mowed down while playing gunner. Additionally, I too have had friends play who are new to MNC run as gunner who were successful right away. The difference is jumping on a team of at least one or two decent players flushing out campers, pushing bots, and doing AOE damage. This leaves a reasonably experienced gamer performing well when put behind a giant machine gun regardless of MNC matches played.