Need Some Advice/Input

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Sah, February 14, 2011.

  1. Sah

    Sah New Member

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    Heres the issue. There are a lot of people who want to play in private matches now. I can't fit all of them into my friends list without removing people. More-over, it's extremely tedious to find out who is online just to pubstomp and who is interested in playing PMs without sending a message to everyone. I'd like to remove some of this hassle.

    Ideally, it would be some sort of chatroom or something that you don't have to sign up to an account for. If I could just post a URL on here, and then people could click it, fill out a username and they'd be able to see who else is in the room and there-by get a private arranged easily. You wouldn't have to have people on your friends list, just send them an invite and manually put in their GT. Also you could set up teams in the room and then invite people in one by one so there aren't screw ups.

    Any ideas on how to set this sort of thing up are much appreciated. My computer is always on and next to my xbox <when I have a house to live in anyway -_-), and right now I have a lot of free time so I don't mind doing the work.
  2. timmy TED

    timmy TED New Member

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    Let me get this right

    you want a chartroom that people can join to find a private match?
  3. Ian

    Ian New Member

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    Create a Gamertag, all friends want to play privates
  4. Sah

    Sah New Member

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    Yes. so you don't have to scour through four peoples friends' lists to find enough people. Have you ever tried to get one together?
  5. Sah

    Sah New Member

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    ...I don't want this to be JUST for me. That's why I put it on the forums. Something the community can get into.
  6. timmy TED

    timmy TED New Member

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    no I have not
    but I think you have a good idea
  7. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

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    I know how hard this can be at times. I have no idea how to properly do this besides a gamertag (people who enjoy privates) or something.

    Xbox Live could really use a group feature so people don't have to use metatags for clans and groups all the time.
  8. Ian

    Ian New Member

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    How would it be just for you? Just create a new Gamertag, "MNCPrivates" or something. Tell everyone who wants in on private games to add it as a friend. Need to fill a private game? Just check that GT's friend list. Looking to start a game? Check the friend list
  9. Bonecrusher

    Bonecrusher New Member

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    Shammas made a tag similar to that...
    I also suggest getting team captains to be on that tag so you don't need to add everyone and fill the tag so quickly.

    MNC Competitive
    MNC Private
    Competitive MNC

    Just need to create a hotmail/live account and activate it on live.
    Fit 100 people and clear your list..
    Change the topic you made for competitive mnc to include the gamertag and msg everyone on your friends list to go change over and add it.

    I did that with my clans team so I could manage things out rather then having 99 people on my list since it lags enough as it is.
  10. Sah

    Sah New Member

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    I had joined Shammas' MNC group and Tom#'s MNC group and I was not impressed with how that worked out (no insult meant to either of those individuals...the system is simply broken). That method precludes the idea that there are people who sign on and just want to pubstomp. I don't want to have to send a message out to all the people on that gamertag just to see if they want to play privates or if they're busy. I'd rather have something where if I see you're on, then I immediately know you want to play privates and you're waiting for an invite.
  11. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    Add a friend with a friendslist full of people wanting to play privates.

    MNC Crossfire
    MNC Privates

    Make a new one if you want, just a silver xbox acct to add privates-players to.

    then you can look off the acct's friends list for people who are on to start a private match. Or, you can just post on the forums to schedule one or find who is on.

    Alternatively, it would be nice (like steam) if you could search for privates in a seperate crossfire search than publics. People say it splits players, but all we want is to seperate skill base, is that so hard? It helps the game in the long run, as less newer players will outright quit because they got stacked against.
    Last edited: February 14, 2011
  12. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    Sah is right. Tom and I started an MNC Gamertag and it was incredibly difficult to manage. I'm not even sure if anyone uses it anymore. Not the best route. Unfortunately I can't think of anything better. I have zero imagination. :(
  13. Sah

    Sah New Member

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    Dude, I love your Sig......
  14. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    Me too. I made a prototype for Saint Mudknot to work on and he fixed it up beautifully. Sometimes I just sit and stare at it...



    Ok, I'm back.

    On Topic: I think the chat room idea is your best bet for now.

    Hopefully Uber will see fit to make an in game option to help stream line the process.
  15. Sah

    Sah New Member

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    MNC Private Arrangement

    Here's the chatroom, for beta testing purposes. I personally can't get any together right now, but y'all are free to use it or at least try it out and give me some feedback about what features would better suit us personally. If you guys think this could work, I'll post it on the List of Privates page. I'll just stay in the chatroom for shits and giggles, so it doesn't close.

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