hello I am new to the forums and I have been having problems with juice rushers and I am not to good at the game and need some help at getting better I mainly play tank so if any good tanks could help me with that Gametag: elturdoferguson
That isn't actually rustclan, he doesn't come to the forums. Tanks are weak against juice rush because they are large targets with few escapes. The best bet is to use charge 3 to stun the opponent (you can often still stun them even if they kill you mid charge - it is called a ghost charge). If they are near a ledge, they will fall off even if they are an assault because they fall while stunned and can't fly. If they aren't near a ledge try to follow up with a railgun grapple. It has a long animation, moves them farther away, and between the stun and grapple juice is more or less expended. Even if they do kill you it might be just you that dies and one of your team can kill him, thus breaking the streak bonus that fuels the cash needed to buy juice. But that is reactive. Be active - don't let your bots go alone and get punched. If your team has no control, don't push bots. Buy juice first to prevent people from camping the machines - tanks have an excellent juiced attack. Best people to deal with juice chains are assassins and assaults - they can force someone to juice early and then just leave. Specific to roostie, he struggles against supports. Particularly supports who work together. Put firebases to cover the juice machines, and a couple in the bot lanes, and have one decent slayer, and he and his friends fall apart. They would be fine if they were patient and actually understood things like map control, formation, and coordinated movement. But they don't. In short, counter juice and get friends.
rustclan is nothing but an assault who plays for kills and needs juice to win. He sits by his base shooting bots with the grenade launcher or punching them till he juices then he will chase you and shoot you down with the assault rifle. Once hes low on health he runs back to the spawn to get his health back. Problem is when he has juice he will try to get at least 3 kills and taunt so hes got enough cash to buy juice again and again and again. Like toon said if you have a friend or two you might be able to ruin his day. Also he doesn't play off host much or without his friends. Hes always losing friends so they dont stick around long enough once he starts losing because hes a sore loser. Call him victor and say you watch his noob tube videos about his kd.
update on roostie he is playing late nite and early mornings on host. myself and satta had some fun with him this morning... hit me up for a fr and you will never have to deal with roostie ever again by yourself... GT: baldlofty
rust stomps can be organized easily.. please contact team smaug or affiliates... Or any member of team WTFe We make rustclan go away for weeks
Shucks! All cuz I ran into elfightingpollo! Had to be there for counter juicing. Thanks though, can't wait for next time
Me, Toon, Gem, GC, Buff, Jon (though he never plays with us) And anyone ready willing and able to join at the time. We are legion.. we do not forget... we do not forgive... expect us. Lol If you wish to join hit us up.