I'm in the top 100 players in the crossfire leaderboards, and want a team to play with. If you're kind of new, I'm willing to help, definitely an age limit for those I'm willing to help though. My gamertag on xbox is AlphabetTaco. Just send a message if you're interested.
My team would prob be interested . There is usually someone not on when we want to do a private match and having a extra person on the roster wouldn't hurt.
i highly recommend nova's team for people interested in competitive mnc to who nova offers. from playing with their guys in and outside privates i already knew they had a pretty decent lineup on paper, but after playing with them in their first scrim vs a well established team like TEG i was impressed with their communication, teamwork, and overall ability. good to see another active and respectable team out there
I'm going to be on the "underdog" team that no one sees coming. I'm willing to play as a sub for sniper or assassin if needed. I'm a good assault, but i dont know that im competitive enough for privates with it.
Thats why I'm helping. It's funner that way. Besides it's hard to practice if you consider yourself the best of the best.